Today's story is "The North Wind and the Sun"
A fable by La Fontaine
Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith
Introduced by Martin Booth
with Peter Woods
From Helsinki to Istanbul - from London to Moscow the real issue facing Europe's two million gypsies is the same. Can their traditional way of life survive or must the Romany Gypsies integrate with the society around them?
As the gypsies themselves become more aware of their changing role Europa presents film reports from Finland, Russia and Germany.
Introduced by Derek Hart
by P. J. Hammond
Yesterday's newspapers even when they 'cover' an Old Bailey murder trial... are just so much rubbish... to be thrown away. But for Simon Royston's former wife and her mysterious visitor the reports of the trial in the papers have a special meaning.
Leader David McCallum
Featuring Moira Anderson
and The Roy Gunson Dancers, Tony Mansell's Coffee Set
A film by the talented Czech director Milos Forman
Starring Jan Vostrcil, Josef Kolb, Josef Svet, Frantisek Debelka
The local Fire Brigade's Ball in a small Czech provincial town is an eagerly awaited event. Right from the start things go badly...
(This Weeks Films: page 11)