6.40 Engineering Mechanics: Solids and Fluids
7.05 Maths: Transformations in Action
7.30 Images: Lens Design
7.55 Care in the Community
8.20 Biology: Control in Reproduction
8.45 Victorian Dissenting Chapels
9.10 Tawny Owls: a Case Study
9.35 Darwin and Diversity
10.00 Ottoman Supremacy: the Suleimaniye, Istanbul
10.25 Fundamentals of Computing
10.50 Ndebele: Women and Art
11.15 Learning through Interactive Video
11.40 Race and Society: Artists and Photographers
12.05 Czech Mates?
The story of one large Czech company as it deals with the impact of western investment.
12.30 Bridging the Gap
How teachers can help pupils cope with the move from primary to secondary school.
12.55 The Projection of Modernity
How 1920s Soviet film makers Eisenstein and Vertov communicated their political ideology.
1.20 Out to the People
Schemes to solve disadvantages suffered by adult learners in employment, gender and environment.
1.45 Healthy Futures: Whose Views Count?
2.10 Introduction to Psychology: Eyewitness Memory
2.35 Pathfinding in the Brain: a Fish and Bird's Eye View