Physics: Electrons and Photons
Chantal Cuer presents a series about European society and culture as seen by European television.
This week, a selection of television portraits from East and West Germany, Italy and France gives a flavour of the ways in which different nations view each other and themselves. (R) (e)
Presenter Craig Fraser discovers how a body functions and changes with exercise. (e)
Presented by Maureen Japp. (e)
Presented by Dona Croll. (e)
Deep in space, Zak, Stella and their robot Hudson board the space ship Investigator.
They are faced with many decisions and discover they have even more choices than they thought. (R) (e)
by Andrew Davies.
Baby Jools Bristow has a baby of her own. She's still living at home and Mum and Dad couldn't be nicer about it. They're too nice, in fact, and soon Julie can't take it any more. Nor can baby Paul's teenage father, Rob.... (R) (e)
U.A. Fanthorpe taught English for many years before becoming a middle-aged drop out. Liz Lochhead went to art school, but she now performs her poems all over Britain, as does Carol Ann Duffy. Wendy Cope became a celebrity overnight when she published a slim volume of literary jokes. In this programme they each read some of their poems and discuss what it means to them to be women writers today. (e)
A See-Saw programme.
Written by John Cunliffe. (R)
Dramatised excerpts written by Jan Needle. (R) (e)
A series for 4- and 5-year-olds. Cosmo and Dibs get lost in a department store.
Parents and teachers may find this programme a good starting point for talking to children about staying safe. (R) (e)
Further Material is available from [address removed]
Parents should note that some of 'Daytime on Two' is aimed at teenagers and may be unsuitable for the young.
(Shuwn yesterday at 12.05am)
from Newbury.
2.40 Mail on Sunday
Three- Year-Old Series Handicap Stakes (1m)
3.10 Haynes, Hanson and Clark Stakes (2-y-o) (1m)
3.40 Jock Collier Memorial Fillies' Stakes (2-y-o) (7f)
Introduced by Julian Wilson. Commentators:
Peter O'Sullevan , Jimmy Lindley and John Hanmer.
Producer WENDY SHEPPARD including at
3.00pm News and Weather
3.50pm News and Weather
Regional News and Weather
Europe v USA from the Belfry.
Four more points are at stake in this afternoon's fourball matches. Unlike the foursomes where each pair plays alternate strokes, in fourball games both men play a ball and the better score on each hole counts for the team.
Colin Blakemore reports on Imagina, the festival of computer graphics and animation held every year in Monte Carlo. He looks at the most stunning examples of today's computer animation, explains the principles on which this new art form is based, and talks to its leading practitioners, including John Lasseter , winner of this year's Hollywood Oscar for best short animation, and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann , who has created a new film starring synthesised versions of Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart.
0 BOOKLET: send an A4 22p sae to:[address removed]
From Shakespeare and Darwin to Brunei,
Rolls Royce and the Beatles, the British have often been at the forefront in the pursuit of excellence. As Nigel Farrell reveals in the final programme of his series, this spirit is very much alive today. How is it for example, that the men of Kent lead the country in the production of giant vegetables, and what makes the finest amateur musicians dedicate themselves to a peculiar perfection?
A TADPOLE LANE production for BBC South and East (Elstree) (R) (Regional programme - for variations see below)
Picking up the Pieces
'You listen out as if to say, "any minute now the doors are going to bang, the keys are going to jingle". Because you can't really believe you're free, actually free!'
This could have been said by any one of the thousands of women in our penal institutions, haunted by their experiences of imprisonment and the way they are viewed by society once they are out. The quote is in fact from
Virginia, who was released from prison six months ago.
This film follows her and two other women as they attempt to come to terms with their prison experiences and pick up the pieces of their lives. Director INGRID LEWIS
Series producer TERRENCE FRANCIS An EBONY production BBC Pebble Mill
with Geoff Hamilton and Anne Swithinbank.
This week, the winner of the 1989 National Allotment Awards is announced.
Since the competition was launched on the programme in February, there have been hundreds of entries from all over the country, growing all sorts of unusual and exotic crops. The Gardeners' World team look at the winning entry and examine the trends for allotment growing in the 1990s.
Production assistant
Researcher JAYNE OWENS Producer MARK KERSHAW BBC Pebble Mill
Plant list on Ceefax page 261
0 INFO-LINE: dial [number removed].
Calls are charged at 38p per minute (peak) or 25p per minute (off-peak)
0 BOOK: 'The Gardeners' World Handbook ' is available from bookshops.
< GARDENING: page 97
As a foretaste to next week's new series, we present some ozone-friendly highlights from the Naked Video library. Featuring Ron Bain ,
Gregor Fisher , Andy Gray , Helen Lederer , Tony Roper , Elaine C. Smith , Jonathan Watson and John Sparkes. Music DAVID MCNIVEN Director ALEX YOUNG
Producer COLIN GILBERT BBC Scotland (R)
A celebration of the new sounds of a continent. 1: Mali
In the wave of Western enthusiasm for the popular music of Africa, no sounds have been greeted more warmly than those of this vast, landlocked sub-Saharan country which is economically poor, but rich in tradition and music.
Mali's musical culture is at the centre of every social occasion. Blending tradition and innovation, the modern music of Mali shows the influence of jazz. Afro-Cuban, blues and rock, but still retains roots in centuries-old customs and songs.
The programme features the music of international singers Salif Keita and Kassemady Diabete , traditional performers Tata Bambo Kouyate and Sali Sidibe , and the two leading bands Super Biton de Segou and the Super Djata Band. Sound recordist BRUCE GALLAWAY Photography JOHN DALY
Executive producer DENNIS MARKS Producer MARK kidel
with Peter Snow and Donald MacCormick.
Reporters: Paul Burden, Nick Clarke, David Coss, Olenka Frenkiel, Margaret Gilmore, Wesley Kerr, Chris Lowe, Peter Marshall, Julian O'Halloran, Rupert Segar, David Sells, Sarah Spiller, Francine Stock, Janet Trewin and Charles Wheeler. Assignment editors JULIAN COLES, JEFF COX
In 1935 the film director Fritz Lang , maker of Metropolis and M, fled Nazi Germany for the USA. Over the next 20 years he would make some of the most striking films to come out of Hollywood, including Human Desire, Rancho Notorious, and The Big Heat.
Film critic Philip French and director Christopher Petit examine Lang's American career as the BBC begins a major season of his films. Producer NICK JONES
* PROFILE: page 20
begins a series of films made by the great German director in Hollywood.
Starring and
Police sergeant Dave Bannion is ordered to lay off his investigation into the suicide of a corrupt cop - the big heat is on. When Bannion continues his enquiries, an explosion meant for him kills his wife. Glenn Ford stars in Fritz Lang 's searing drama as an honest cop who takes on the mob and a corrupt police force in an effort to track down his wife's murderers.
Screenplay by SYDNEY BOEHM from a novel by william P. MCGIVERN Produced by ROBERT ARTHUR Directed by FRITZ LANG
0 FILMS: page 20