A round-up of business from the Lords and Commons by the BBC parliamentary team.
Some of Daytime on Two is aimed at teenagers and may be unsuitable for the young.
Heart Attack. A guide to emergency first aid presented by Dr Alan Maryon Davis. (R) CEEFAX SUBTITLES
Help for teachers using the new science drama series Thinkabout Science, for 5- to 6-year-olds. (R)
Does the opposition to the new Community Charge or poll tax challenge our notions of government by consent? (R)
Badger Girl. Lost on the Moor
Living the Fishing. The King of Fish. Scottish salmon is always considered a luxury fish. How different is the lifestyle of a wild salmon from farmed salmon?
Change. A song about water introduces some basic methods of composing music.
Health Education. How our bodies take care of us and how we avoid being hurt in the first place.
Programme 5
A multi-media two-year GCSE course in German.
5: Teenagers in Hamburg talk about what they like doing most in their free time.
Getting Around on Wheels. Some of the technical solutions developed to solve the problem of moving people and heavy loads overland.
Presenters Mat Irvine and Dilly Bellingham explore the world of aesthetics and design.
My Brother David. David Scarboro - who played Mark Fowler in EastEnders - fell to his death at
Beachy Head in 1988. Simon, his younger brother, presents this tribute featuring David's achievements as a young actor as well as his problems. (R)
Sticks and Stones. Every language has its taboo words and English is no exception. (R)
Cartoon. Chasing sheep isn't really part of a postman's work. (R)
Handles (3)
Weather followed by Words and Pictures
Where are You Going, Little Mouse? Series producer Caroline Godley
Introduced by Helen Rollason.
Grand Prix from the Hexagon Theatre, Reading.
According to the seedings, this afternoon's quarter-final matches should be Davis v Hallett and Parrott v Griffiths.
Commentary by Ted Lowe ,
Jack Karnehm , Clive Everton ,
John Spencer and Ray Edmonds.
Reflections on the midweek
European Championship games, with all four home countries involved.
Editor Niall Sloane
Including at
3.00pm News and Weather
3.50pm News and Weather
Regional News and Weather
A visit to the Motor Industry
Research Association and a report from the 1990 Pirelli Classic
Marathon. With William Woollard , Tiff Needell , Jeremy Clarkson and Tony Mason.
0 MOTORING: page 98
James Stewart
Ruth Roman
Into gold-crazed Skagway rides a stranger with a gun and a herd of cattle, to challenge the man who owns the law and holds it in contempt.
Director Anthony Mann
0 FILMS: pages 32-38
Harlem Wednesday. Harlem life in the paintings of Gregorio Prestopino and the music of Benny Carter. (R)
Freelance writer Anthony Howard reviews the week's press coverage. A Granada production for BBCtv
Public Eye returns for a second series to throw new light on the central issues that affect the way of life in Britain.
Network Child Abuse. 'We've had
50 networks reported to us in the last 18 months ... from very large ones to fairly smallish ones where there are five or six perpetrators and 30 or 40 children.' That is the view of one senior member of a social services team in London.
Martin Bashir examines the extent of organised child abuse in Britain and the evidence that it is becoming more widespread. Presented by Peter Taylor. Producer Nick O'Dwyer Editor Nigel Chapman
A visit to the Marchioness of Salisbury's Elizabethan knot garden at Hatfield House inspires Geoff Hamilton to plant a parterre. Producer Mark Kershaw
Plant list on Ceefax page 617. 7.
0 INFO-LINE: 0[number removed]calls charged at 33p per minute (cheap rate), 44p at all other times.
0 GARDENING: page 9S
Dramas of real cases where forensic science helps catch the criminal. Introduced by Ludovic Kennedy.
In an Australian farmhouse, a child answers the phone. Her parents are 'asleep', one in bed, one on the kitchen floor. The police find the bodies in different states of decomposition. When and how did they die? A cartridge case and maggots provide the only forensic clues.
An ABC production
(Ceefax subtitles)
A comedy quiz show hosted by Angus Deayton.
Team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton , abetted by guests from the world of journalism and humour, are challenged on the week's news. This week's guests include comedian Arthur Smith.
A Hat Trick production for BBCtv
Peter Snow presents the background to the day's top stories.
Rothmans Grand Prix from the Hexagon Theatre, Reading.
The quarter-finals are concluded tonight; losers collect E 10,000 consolation cheques and the season's prospects will have moved a step nearer sharp focus after a summer when form seems to have deserted several of the top players. Jimmy White has suffered among them and a quarter-final win would do much to restore lost confidence, if he has survived.
Stephen Hendry , reigning World
Champion and tournament-ranked No 3 looks likely to be playing on the other table.
Introduced by David Vine.
Continuing a season of psychological thrillers.
Secret Beyond the Door Starring
Joan Bennett
Michael Redgrave
Celia marries Mark after a whirlwind romance in Mexico but when they return to his ancestral home she makes a chilling discovery about her new husband.
Producer/Director Frit2 Lang
0 FILMS: pages 32-38