9.43 France - Francais: Repetons...
A chance to get away from the classroom, and find out what young people in Provence most like doing in their free time.
(R) (e)
10.00 You and Me
A series for 4- and 5-year-olds
When Dibs refuses to share his blue crayons, Cosmo has to resort to bargaining. Danielle and Aaron take the school rabbit to visit the vet.
Song: Miss Polly had a Dolly
10.15 Science Workshop: Tracks (A)
(R) (e)
10.38 Let's See: Above and Below: 2: Going Under
Presented by Blythe Brockett
An investigation into some of the activities that go on underground.
(R) (e)
11.00 Words and Pictures: Money to Spend
(Shown on Monday at 2.00pm) (e)
11.18 Tutorial Topics: Disputes - Parts 1 and 2
(Shown on Monday at 11.45am) (e)
11.40 Science in Action: Current Affairs
(Shown on Monday at 1.00pm) (e)
12.05pm Job Bank: Turning Pro
(Shown on Monday at 9.15am) (e)
12.28 Lifeschool: Going to Work: Working Hours
(Shown on Monday at 9.38am) (e)
12.50 The Money Makers: 4: Betting on a Certainty
Top business tycoons discuss their own individual successes and offer perspectives on success generally in the business world today.
(R) (e)
Book, The Money Makers, £3.95 from booksellers
For notes, please send large 24p sae to: [address removed]
1.20 Little Misses and the Mister Men: Little Miss Magic and Mister Daydream
A See-Saw programme
1.38 Zig Zag: Hungry Times
by Ian Taylor
Part 2 of a play set among the Normans and Saxons.
(R) (e)
2.00 News, Weather
followed by Storytime: Foo the Potter
Pik-Sen Lim shows how a miniature landscape can be made in a shallow dish and tells the story of a clumsy potter who, by accident, invents a new musical instrument.
2.30 Fernbank Hurdle (3m)
3.05 Charterhouse
'Chase Handicap (3m)
3.35 Reynoldstown Novices' 'Chase (3m)
Introduced by JULIAN WILSON Commentators
Guest expert BILL SMITH Studio director DENIS KELLY Producer KEITH MACKENZIE including at
3.00* News and Weather
CAT - ContestAnTs
CreATing CATchwords - that's what the programme is all about. Wordsmiths from all over Britain face Paul Coia and Bryan the Computer with his sets of letters.
Today, MARGOT MONTGOMERY returns to try for four wins in a row. Her opponents are JOY HODGSON and STEWART DAKERS. Designer PAT CAMPBELL Research
with David Lomax
Interesting Charges
There was a time when
Third World countries could pay their way by selling raw materials to the First World. In the Dominican Republic, the fragile, developing economy relied on sugar exports. But when a slump in the world sugar market followed hard on the heels of the oil crisis, the Dominicans (and many others in the Third World) were unable to repay their debts abroad.
They were forced to ask the International Monetary Fund to step in with ready cash - and crippling austerity measures.
How much longer can the First World expect the poorer countries to play the world economic game by their rules? Does the way ahead lie in imposed belt-tightening, or in an altruism from the First World which may be to the long-term advantage of all members of the global family?
Mr Meek 's Pipe Dream
The chance discovery of an ancient clay pipe on Cardiff s foreshore inspired railwayman Clem Meek to start a new hobby; one which would give substance to his daydreams and provide him with a basis for a personal philosophy.
Director RICHARD LEWIS Executive producer JENNIFER JEREMY (R)
:ontinues a season of ilms starring one of Britain's most iccomplished screen actors. Today with Susannah York iilli Palmer
When Sebastian - a brilliant scholar - takes on a secret service job in a code-breaking department, he hopes for a fairly quiet life. But romance, Soviet intelligence and computer antics make his existence anything but placid. This comedy thriller is enhanced by Dirk Bogarde 's central performance and fine support from a strong British cast.
Based on an original screen story by LEO MARKS Produced by HERBERT BROKIN , MICHAEL POWELL Directed by DAVID GREENE
* FILMS: page 16
A preview of the Winter Olympics which begin on Saturday
The power balance trembles as Cuba offers Russia a power base in Uncle Sam's back yard, but the young agree with Eddie Cochran that a turned-up collar and a coupe de ville are all you really need.
News - Castro takes over, the Dalai Lama flees from Tibet, American monkeys go into space, and Operation Noah saves thousands of African beasts from drowning.
Music - Russ Conway , Eddie Cochran , Ray Charles , Cliff Richard , Connie Francis. Videotape editor DAVE JONES Series producer ANN FREER Records and cassettes:
The Rock 'n'Roll Years 1956-59, RENIZCN 631; The Rock 'n' Roll Years 1960-63 RENIZCN 632;
The Rock 'n'Roll Years 1964-67 RENIZCN 633; The Rock 'n ' Roll Years 1968-71 RENIZCN 634.
Compact discs; The Best of the Rock "n' Roll Years 1956-63 BBC CD 656; 1964-71 71 BBC CD 657, from retailers
A monthly anthology of travel, exploration and adventure. Tonight:
Men and Mountains.
Two films introduced by John Ridgway
On 8 June, 1924,
George Mallory and Andrew Irvine set out to conquer the final slopes of Mount Everest.
When last seen, they were less than 1,000 feet from the top - and going strongly. Could they have made it? Wideworld examines the mystery, looks at new evidence, and interviews the last surviving members of the 1924 party.
Nine years later, in 1933, four other Britons set out on a rather different Everest expedition. They returned just a few hours later - with remarkable pictures of the summit. Now, the story of their epic high-altitude flight is told with film they shot that very day ...
Lastly, in this programme about the world's high places, the winner of this year's Mick Burke Film
Award - chosen by viewers of last month's Wideworld. Film editor ROBERT MAYNARD Everest producer
0 FEATURE: page 13
Some 38th Parallels
It transpires that an overzealous Colonel is to blame for the rush of wounded at the 4077th, but Frank has more pressing matters on his mind - garbage! Written by JOHN REGLER and GARY MARKOWITZ Directed by BURT METCALF (R)
Last of a six-part serial by GERARD MACDONALD It's election day and everyone at the agency is exhausted. Only Stephen Hallam and Gordon Lochhead are ploughing ahead with their plans. Sarah finds herself wooed from all sides and waiting for the outcome of the election.
Studio lighting CLIVE THOMAS Designer MARK SEVANT
George Ewart Evans was born in the Welsh valleys in 1909 and wrote about his adopted East Anglia in such books as Ask the Fellows Who Cut the Hay and Horse Power and Magic. He became Britain's leading oral historian with his recordings of the villagers of Blaxhall, Suffolk.
'Listening to the Blaxhall people, I realised that they were historical documents, books that walked, and nobody was recording them.' He made this film about his work in 1979. Written and narrated by George Ewart Evans Producer JOHN ARCHER
(First shown in 'Writers and Places
with Peter Snow and Donald MacCormick
11.40 The Challenge of Judgment
An exploration of medical judgment and decision-making.
12.05 Gravity and the Stars
Stars form from interstellar gas and dust. But how do they form?
(to 0.35)