A programme for children at home
Today's story: "The Cross-Eyed Cowboy"
(to 11.20)
Ten leading designers are invited to solve ten domestic design problems for families who want to do some of the work themselves
BBC film
Accompanying pamphlet: see page 11
The World Tonight
Reporting: John Timpson, Peter Woods and the reporters and correspondents, at home and abroad, of BBC News
followed by The Weather
Achievement... Happiness... Tragedy... Stress...
A weekly programme which focuses on people and the situations which shape their lives
Reporters: Jim Douglas Henry, Jeremy James, John Percival, Desmond Wilcox,
Harold Williamson
This week: Name Your Poison: 2: The British Alcoholic
In Britain today there are at least half a million alcoholics-some ignorant of the illness from which they suffer; others, ashamed and afraid, hiding it from family, friends, and employers.
Industry alone has to face a bill estimated at £50 million a year in lost output. Are employers facing up to this fact too slowly? Are they slow to recognise the significance of the 'Monday-morning hangover', which keeps hundreds from work? Are they slow to reach out to help the executive who is drink-fuddled through most of the day?
Is the drinking executive only steps away from the meths men? What research is being done to find out about the disease and to collate information about treatment methods? In this the last of a two-part enquiry, Man Alive tries to find out.
See page 39
in which saxophonists Zoot Sims and Al Cohn play their own style of jazz
with The Stan Tracey Trio
on behalf of the Conservative and Unionist Party
(Also on BBC-1 and BBC Wales)
A selection of musical milestones from the golden days of the silver screen
Tonight: the 1961 production Flower Drum Song
Starring Nancy Kwan, James Shigeta
with Miyoshi Umeki
The film version of the famous show by Rodgers and Hammerstein, featuring such numbers as 'A hundred million miracles' and 'I enjoy being a girl.' A young and innocent girl from Hong Kong sets off a train of romantic complications when she arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown.
A last look around the daily scene with Michael Dean, Joan Bakewell, Tony Bilbow, Brian King, Sheridan Morley