Ends 10.50.
The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo
Animation set in the year 1483.
7.25 Arthur
Animation. Francine and Muffy find out that they have no famous ancestors.
7.50 Blue Peter
In a report from Vienna, Liz Barker rides a Lipizzaner horse.
(Shown yesterday at 5pm on BBC1)
8.10 Doctor Otter
Has Mexley caught measles while painting the ceiling?
(Shown Monday at 1.10pm)
8.20 Little Bear
Triple bill. Father Bear's bath is interrupted, Little Bear dreams of falling snow, while Mitzi causes a horrid mess at Little Bear's home.
8.45 64 Zoo Lane
The tale of Georgina the giraffe.
9.00 Tweenies
Double bill. Max helps out at a restaurant, and Judy shows her guitar to the group, which Max plays very badly.
9.40 Playdays
Peggy Patch and friends visit Woburn safari park, where they see some penguins.
10.00 Teletubbies
Double bill. Dipsy is taught a nursery rhyme, and then the group watch some children build a jigsaw puzzle.
BBC CD-ROM: Play with the Teletubbies, for PC and Playstation, price £19.99 BBC Video: Teletubbies 2 video box set, containing Musical Playtime and Nursery Rhymes, price £12.99