6.50 Chardin and the Female Image
7.15 An Exam for All Reasons
7.40 The Golden Rule
8.5 The Optical Lens
8.30 The Mariner Nine Code
8.55 Topics in the History of Maths
9.20 Heart of Darkness: Joseph Conrad
9.45 Romantic Poets: Prometheus Unbound
10.10 Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing
10.35 Palladio: Three Villas
11.0 Ethnic Minorities: Colonisin' in Reverse
11.25 Genetics: Evolution
11.50 The Universe Yesterday
12.15 Shorefields School: Facing Change
12.40 Education: The Bennett Report
1.5 The People's Game
1.30 Modern Art: Pollock
1.55 Health Care in Mozambique