6.20 Databases: Relational Concepts 4857381 6.45
Biochemistry: Immune Receptors 5589923 7.10 Plants' Designs forLiving8792381 7.35 Ancient Athens: Acropolis Now
With signing.
The Gentle Sex. Women on the sports field in the 1930s, as captured in press photographs from 1929-34.
After Crocodile Dundee comes Clever Trevor - a man who is licensed to handle "all living species in the animal kingdom". His job is to supply many of the animals seen on television and he claims that he can provide anything from a housefly to a hippopotamus.
9.00 Help Your Child with Maths: Looking for Patterns
9.15 Channel Hopping: Berlin
9.45 Watch: Dinosaurs
10.00 Sex Education: Someone New
10.20 English Time: Writing in Style - Stories
10.40 Over the Moon: Out for Fun
10.55 The Global Environment: Timber
11.15 Unforgettable: Out of the Adhouse
11.25 Weatherwatch: All in a Spin
11.35 Lifeschool Special: Child Slaves
12.00 English File: New Approaches to Poetry- Liz Lochhead
A Double Exposure production for BBC TV
12.30 Scene: Just Desserts
by Chris Ellis
1.00 Landmarks Special: Egypt - the Pharaohs 73652923
1.20-1.40 Children's BBC
with Chris Jarvis
1.20 Pingu
1.25 Model Millie
1.40 The Word
1.50 Tutorial Topics: the Way People Talk
2.00 News (Subtitled) and Weather
then Words and Pictures
An SF TV production for BBCtv
Note: repeats are not indicated.
A preview of the weekend's Open University programmes.
Coverage of the quarter-finals play from Queen's Club, London.
This tournament is a good indicator of players' pre-
Wimbledon form on grass.
Including at
3.00 News and Weather Subtitled (news) and at
3.50 News and Weather Subtitled (news)
Regional News; Weather
Illya faces his own image in a Nazi uniform.
The Summer Kitchen Garden
The last programme of the series includes recipes to make use of ripe tomatoes and fresh vegetables in a range of salads. Producer Caroline Hawkins
Executive producer Frances Whitaker A Hawkshead production for BBCtv
The New Statesman's
Sarah Baxter reviews the week's press. AGranadaproductionforBBCtv
Whose Body Is It Anyway?
The ethical dilemmas faced by doctors because of a severe shortage of organ donors.
Reporter Wendy Robbins. Producer Nick London
Editor Mark Wakefield
Tips from an annual asparagus auction in Worcestershire, and a Hampshire plantswoman opens her garden for the first time. With Geoff Hamilton , Liz Rigbey and Nick Wray. Series producer Laurence Vulliamy Executive producer Tony Laryea
A Catalyst TV production for BBCtv
BBC Gardeners' World Live from 15.19 June at the NEC, Birmingham. For ticket details ring [number removed]
In 1801 Lady Maria Nugent was "playing governor's lady to the blackies" in Jamaica. She described her 39 slaves as "so good-humoured and merry that it is quite comfortable to look at them". Meanwhile, Mary Prince, who was born into slavery in Bermuda in 1788, was enduring barbaric treatment. Brought to London, she soon left her owners, choosing life on the streets rather than to continue to be a slave.
They are the only two British women to write first-hand accounts of their very different experiences of slavery. The last programme of this drama-documentary series is based on their diaries.
BOOKLET: a booklet accompanying the series is available, price £3.00, from [address removed]
Comedian Donna McPhail is among the guests on the final satirical news quiz of the series.
A Hat Trick production for BBCtv
With Kirsty Wark.
Featuring the Platinum Parrot awards celebrating bizarre events in the world of football.
Series producer Michael Wadding
Comedy series hosted by Robert Vaughn.
Move My Lips. The Searcher takes on a murderous dummy.
Dead Stranger in Paradise
Hawaii's Tropical Punch Unit pursue a homicidal headbanger. With Adam West.
Drama starring Alain Delon
Jean-Paul Belmondo
The tale of a successful crime partnership in the Marseilles underworld of the 30s. French film with English dialogue.
Director Jacques Deray (1970)
FILM REVIEWS pages 51-58