6.40 Organic Chemistry: Environmental Solutions?
7.05 Maths: Volumes of Revolution
7.30 The American Political Process
7.55 Oceanography: Waves
8.20 Biology: Mammals in Water
8.45 Arts: the Great Exhibition of 1851
9.10 Motoring in the 30s: Wheels of Progress
9.35 Organic Molecules in Action
10.00 The University of Salamanca
10.25 A Suitable Place to Have a Baby?
10.50 Citizens of the World
Naval historian Nicholas Rodger explores HMS Victory as the "Enlightenment" series looks at the Royal Navy during the 18th century
11.15 The Politics of Equal Opportunity
12.05 Social Problems: Why Care?
12.30 Managing Schools
A visit to the fictional Stonnington Middle School illustrates how easily time can be wasted and suggests ways in which staff can use time more effectively
12.55 Modern Art
Matisse wanted painting to be expressive, but what did he mean by this, and what can art express?
1.20 The Car Industry - a Level Playing Field?
1.45 Learning for All: the Write to Choose
2.10 Brazilian Immigrants - In Search of Identity
2.35 Environment: Bangkok - a City Speaks