(Full details on BBC1 at 4.0 pm)
Peter Springall, who was featured in Radio Times two weeks ago, is a Londoner with a countryman's way with bees. Some 40 stocks thrive on his technique of handling them gently and respecting their wishes. He is convinced that when he talks to his bees, they talk back.
with Derek Nimmo
Writers are always considered the bridesmaids and never the brides. However, without their initial creation, the production would never exist.
Ray Cooney , Jimmy Perry Frederic Raphael
(Derek Nimmo is in ' Why Not Stay for Breakfast?' at theApolloTheatre. London) Derek Nimmo : Friday Call 9.5 am R4
A film series
The Waltons are in danger of losing their land. To help pay some necessary legal fees John-Boy leaves home for a job in the city.
Based on Earl Hamner Jr's autobiographical novel Spencer's Mountain
Trevor Philpott reports on Four Corners of the Marketplace 2 : The Money Garden
Stuttgart is the richest city in the richest country in the Common Market. Over the past 20 years the rate of industrial growth has been almost incredible - ten per cent in most of them, 20 per cent in the good ones.
They have created so many jobs that one in five has to be filled by an outsider - they're even.importing apprentices from Birmingham. Its people are mocked for their fussy habits and penny-pinching ways and envied for their solid, respectable wealth. But theirs is no ' where there's muck there's money' philosophy. They have made their money in a garden among vines and pine trees.
Film cameraman DAVID FEIG
Assistant producer MICHAEL MABER Producer TREVOR PHILPOTT
Another chance to see this film set in Birmingham's Indian community.
A young boy dreams of film stars.
When his favourite actress arrives in Birmingham, his dream may come true.
Presented by David Holmes with Peter Dorling ; Weather
Jericho is a funny little backwater in Oxford, which used to be where the servants came from. But recently the developers, and then the ' foreigners' arrived. MAGGIE BLACK and LUCY WILLIS look at Jericho past and present, and Jericho looks at them.