Story: The Two Giants
Written and illustrated by Michael Foreman
Presenters this week: Diane Dorgan, Derek Griffiths
7.5 Closedown
James Wilkinson, science correspondent of the Daily Express says that although the disease is beginning to succumb to the medical war being waged against it, it is hard to mention the word 'cancer' without arousing emotions of fear, horror, despair, even guilt. Michael Dean talks to him, to Professor Sir David Smithers, government adviser on cancer and Head of Radiotherapy at the Royal Marsden Hospital, and Dr Tom Connors, Head of the Biomedical Pharmacology Department at the Chester Beatty Institute.
Joe is made foreman of the High Chaparral and does the job well. He only makes one mistake -but it turns out to be a very dangerous one indeed.
A duel of words and wit between Frank Muir, Joanna Lumley, Andre Previn and Patrick Campbell, Sue Lawley, Jeremy Lloyd
Referee Robert Robinson
For example: is a Tandour: Syrian central heating? or: a clever 17th-century beggar in Oxford or Cambridge?...
Humorist Frank Muir is featured in Radio Times Anniversary Souvenir which is on sale now, price 50p
An outside broadcast starring Danny La Rue and The Young Generation
Guest star Sandie Shaw
with Mike Goddard, Trevor Chance
The Young Generation: Vonni Barnes, Alison Basham, Heather Beckers, Marie Betts, Denise Fone, Veronica France, Kay Frazer, Jackie Hall, Martine Howard, Karen Knight, Sue Lake, Di Palmer, Liz Robertson, Bonita Shawe, Michele Thorne,
Walter Cartier, David Hampshire, Harry Higham, Scott MacKee, Jerry Manley, John Melainey, Steven Payne, Geoffrey Richer, Spencer Shires, Ricky Stratful, Donald Torr, Kenneth Warwick, Trevor Willis
Alyn Ainsworth and his Orchestra
Recorded in the Cottle and Austen Circus Big Top at Pontin's Holiday Camp, Blackpool
(Danny La Rue and Mike Goddard are appearing in Danny La Rue's Show at The Opera House, Blackpool)
Alan Garner says 'All Systems Go!'
Alan Garner, the brilliantly successful author of books that dazzle and haunt children-and haunt adults, too - is a man obsessed by violence; in the universe, in the ground, most of all, in himself.
This film was made in Cheshire, the countryside in which Alan Garner was born and where his family has lived for generations. He shows how he came to terms with his own personal violence; and in a series of unusual film sequences attempts to show how violence, once understood, can be put to creative use.
with Peter Dorling; Weather