The four-page supplement of 1973 Open University programmes, as printed in Radio Times, is obtainable on request from Information Services (Ref EP), [address removed]
A digest of the news of the week plus a visual commentary for those who cannot hear.
With Michael De Morgan
The Bedamini people lead hard and simple lives in the rain forests of New Guinea. They grow crops and hunt wild animals... and if food gets very scarce they eat other people. But though their day-to-day lives are basic, the Bedamini have a complex mythology.
They believe that in the forest that surrounds them there is a world of spirits that mirrors the world of men. It is the task of Tidikawa to bridge these two worlds. He is a warrior, a medium and an artist.
The new songs of the hit song-writer of the 50s - 'Oh Carol,' 'Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen,' 'Breaking up is hard to do' - and the first appearance on British TV of France's top song-writer Georges Moustaki
Alyn Ainsworth and his Orchestra
Tonight's film stars Mario Lanza
with Zsa Zsa Gabor, Johanna Van Koczian
Mario Lanza, one of Hollywood's legendary singing stars, plays Tonio Costa, an international operatic tenor with a reputation for temperamental behaviour. While on a European tour he falls in love with a beautiful deaf girl and their romance gradually changes his attitudes towards people and life.
This Week's Films: page 11
Starring Alan Alda as Hawkeye, Wayne Rogers as Trapper John
Hawkeye has plenty to write home about this week.
by Aldous Huxley
Dramatised in five parts by Robin Chapman
Starring Ian Richardson
Helen joined Anthony at Dr Miller's meeting at Barkingkirke. Anthony has been persuaded to address a 'People for Peace' meeting for the first time.