For thought and prayer during the silence
' In remembrance of those who made the great sacrifice, 0 God, make us better men and women, and give us peace in our time'
The Last Post
A Short Service
Conducted by the Right Rev. and Right Hon. the Lord Bishop of London
Hymn, 0 God, our help in ages past
(First four and last verses)
The Lord's Prayer The Blessing
The Reveille
God Save the King
A Talk by Sir Fabian Ware , Vice-
Chairman of the Imperial War
Graves Commission
The London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Robert Kajanus : Symphony No. 3, in C (Sibelius)-1 Allegro moderato. 2 Andantino con moto quasi allegretto. 3 Moderato-AJlegro
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Robert Kajanus : Alla Marcia (Karelia Suite, Op. 11) (Sibelius)
Directed by Alfred Van Dam from the Troxy Cinema, London
' Our Village '
Armistice Day in the Village
Written for broadcasting by EDITH E. MACQUEEN , Ph.D.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 British History
Ⓓ ' Society is founded upon Wool' a dramatic interlude written for broadcasting by HUGH Ross WILLIAMSON
Ⓓ 'The Story of the Canterbury
Cyril Worsley
The Canterbury Treasure is a wonderful platinum casket encrusted with six hundred precious stones, which was presented to Canterbury Cathedral to hold the bread for Holy Communion. It was dedicated by the Dean of Canterbury just a year ago, on All Souls' Day, November 1, 1936. The strange story of how this casket came to be designed will be described over the air this afternoon by the designer.
Leader, Mold Fairhurst
Conductor, Richard Austin
Solo violoncello, Cassado from the Pavilion, Bournemouth
The Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra is the largest orchestra that has ever been maintained by a municipality. At the beginning of this season its personnel was increased to sixty-one players, all of whom are widely experienced musicians. It goes without saying that experience counts in an orchestra such as this, for not only are they called upon to perform the standard repertoire of classical music and a considerable number of works by modern composers, but they also have to give a good account of themselves in music of a lighter and more frankly popular character.
Bax's Cello Concerto
In an article in the RADIO TIMES Robert Hull summed up Bax's Cello Concerto as follows : The first movement, which opens and closes in a vigorous mood, contains a quiet middle section whose sheer loveliness Bax has rarely surpassed. There is a wealth of romantic beauty in the slow movement, a rhapsody whose title, " Nocturne " gives a sufficient clue to its general trend. The last movement provides a brilliant finale that impresses one by its wealth of invention and marvellous range of instrumental colour.'
© ' Going to the Tropics ' by Lady Burdon
Few have had wider experiences of travel than Lady Burdon, and listeners-especially those about to go to the tropics for the first time-will look forward to this popular broadcaster's talk this afternoon. Lady Burdon has been broadcasting regularly since 1935 when she gave four talks on ' Travels of a Governor's Wife '. In 1910 she married the Acting-Governor of Barbados, and she has described on the air many of her experiences in the West Indies. In 1931, in Government House, Belise, she survived the hurricane in which nearly three thousand people were killed.
including Weather Forecast
Walpole and Thompson
(From North)
at the BBC Theatre Organ
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Redvers Llewellyn (baritone)
Presented by the British Legion
At the Royal Albert Hall
Massed Bands of His Majesty's
Brigade of Guards
Drums and Fifes of the 1st Bn. Grenadier Guards, 2nd Bn. Coldstream Guards, 2nd Bn. Scots Guards, Pipers of the 2nd Bn. Scots Guards, Trumpeters of the Royal
Horse Guards
(By permission of the Officers
F. W. Holloway
The National Anthem
Entry of Legion Standards
Marches of Chelsea Pensioners,
Women's War Services, and The Nursing Services
Entry of Union Flag and the Banner* and the Divisional Signs
March of the Services :
Detachments from-the Royal Air
Force, Overseas Forces, the British Army, the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets, R.N.V.R., R.N.R., Royal Marines, Royal Navy, and Boys of the Training Ship Stork
March of Service and Empire Flag*
Some War Time Choruses
March of the Pipers
Land of Hope and Glory
PART II Entry of Clergy and Choir: Hymn: Onward Christian Soldiers
(A. and M. 391)
Lest we Forget (Words by Rudyard Kipling )
The Last Post
They shall grow not old (From ' For the Fallen'). Spoken by Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice , K.C.M.G., C.B., President of the British Legion
Hymn: 0 Valiant Hearts (S.P. 293)
Reveille i
Hymns: The Strife is o'er (A. and M. 135)
Abide with me (A. and M. 27)
The National Anthem
The Blessing
The broadcast will include descriptions by F. H. Grisewood
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping