Presented by the British Legion
At the Royal Albert Hall
Massed Bands of His Majesty's
Brigade of Guards
Drums and Fifes of the 1st Bn. Grenadier Guards, 2nd Bn. Coldstream Guards, 2nd Bn. Scots Guards, Pipers of the 2nd Bn. Scots Guards, Trumpeters of the Royal
Horse Guards
(By permission of the Officers
F. W. Holloway
The National Anthem
Entry of Legion Standards
Marches of Chelsea Pensioners,
Women's War Services, and The Nursing Services
Entry of Union Flag and the Banner* and the Divisional Signs
March of the Services :
Detachments from-the Royal Air
Force, Overseas Forces, the British Army, the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets, R.N.V.R., R.N.R., Royal Marines, Royal Navy, and Boys of the Training Ship Stork
March of Service and Empire Flag*
Some War Time Choruses
March of the Pipers
Land of Hope and Glory
PART II Entry of Clergy and Choir: Hymn: Onward Christian Soldiers
(A. and M. 391)
Lest we Forget (Words by Rudyard Kipling )
The Last Post
They shall grow not old (From ' For the Fallen'). Spoken by Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice , K.C.M.G., C.B., President of the British Legion
Hymn: 0 Valiant Hearts (S.P. 293)
Reveille i
Hymns: The Strife is o'er (A. and M. 135)
Abide with me (A. and M. 27)
The National Anthem
The Blessing
The broadcast will include descriptions by F. H. Grisewood