From ' When Two or Three', page 69
' Fitting in with Family Meals by a Doctor this series, which opened last Friday with a broadcast on ' Weaning ', will be continued every Friday morning until March 23. It concerns the health and welfare of the child between infancy and schooldays-a period when children do not always get the attention they need. Yet this half-way stage is the time when mind and body are growing rapidly and health and character are being made or marred. Meals ; the child who will not eat ; the questions of bones and teeth and colds ; sweets ; rashes and coughs and temperatures ; ventilation ; the temperamental child ; Jill who is afraid of the dark ; Jack who is afraid of nothing and much more to be feared-these are some of the topics to be discussed by a children's doctor.
Practical advice, as well as theoretical ; commonsense hints as well as purely medical ones. Hygiene ; clothes. What to do and how and when to do it. Mothers and nurses and all who have the care of children are advised to have by them the pamphlet published last autumn called ' Choosing the Right Food '. It may be obtained from the Publications Department, B.B.C., or any B.B.C. Office, price 2d, 3d. post free.
Relayed from Downside Abbey
(From Cardiff)
Directed by HENRY HALL
Directed by John Bridge (From Manchester)
PHYLLIS SELLICK (pianoforte)
Directed by John MacArthur
(Scottish Regional Programme)
Directed by Frank Cantell
(From Birmingham)
(Leader, A. Rossi )
Under the direction of Emilio Colombo
Relayed from The Hotel Metropole,
London ALFREDO CAMPOLI was born in Italy in 1906. At the age of four his father, a violinist in the Orchestra Massima, Rome, and also a member of the St. Cecilia Symphony Orchestra, and his mother, a noted prima donna, brought him to England. Campoli's father now gave him instruction on the violin, and after an extended period of study in 1920 Campoli gave his first recital at the Wigmore Hall, and a second one followed in 1923. Of his performance of the andante from Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor at the second recital an eminent critic said that ' a mature artist of far greater experience might envy the tenderness, the suavity of tone he put into this movement, and four of the Paganini solo Caprices served further to display the young artist's admirable technique.
Directed by HENRY HALL
Weather Forecast, First General News
Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers
Special Notices connected with Government and other Public Services
The Well-Tempered Klavier-II (1744)
Prelude and Fugue No. 45 in B flat
No. 46 in B flat minor
No. 47 in B
No. 48 in B minor
' The Harmonic Highway '
' Flowering Shrubs,' the Hon. V.
' The Colonial Empire'
' The Scope and Variety of the Colonial
THE object of this series is to present a picture of the British Empire today and to discover some of its problems. Whereas the autumn was devoted to the Dominions, this series now turns to the Colonies. Many listeners will be surprised to learn that within the Colonial Empire there are fifty distinct Governments and territories covering an area of about two million square miles. Approximately eleven-twelfths of this total area lies within the tropics, and the population shows a bewildering variety of races, religions, languages and customs.
The opening talk this evening will discuss our Colonies and Dependencies outside Africa, and some of the significances of our ' outposts ' of Empire, and some of the problems-constitutional, economic or strategic-will be put before listeners, who should read, if possible, before the talks begin, ' The British Empire,' by Professor R. Coupland , C.I.E., to be obtained from the Publications Department, B.B.C., or from any B.B.C. office, price 6d., 7d. post free. Mr. J. L. Evans , who broadcasts this evening, is a Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge.
Relayed from
The Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co., Ltd.)
Weather Forecast, Second General
News Bulletin
Tickets can be obtained from The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, W.I ; Messrs. Chappell's Box Office, Queen's Hall, Langham Place, W.l ; and usual Agents. Prices 2/- to 7/6 (including Entertainments Tax).
HARRY Roy and his BAND,
Relayed from The May Fair Hotel
(Shipping Forecast, on Daventry only, at 11.0)