' The Colonial Empire'
' The Scope and Variety of the Colonial
THE object of this series is to present a picture of the British Empire today and to discover some of its problems. Whereas the autumn was devoted to the Dominions, this series now turns to the Colonies. Many listeners will be surprised to learn that within the Colonial Empire there are fifty distinct Governments and territories covering an area of about two million square miles. Approximately eleven-twelfths of this total area lies within the tropics, and the population shows a bewildering variety of races, religions, languages and customs.
The opening talk this evening will discuss our Colonies and Dependencies outside Africa, and some of the significances of our ' outposts ' of Empire, and some of the problems-constitutional, economic or strategic-will be put before listeners, who should read, if possible, before the talks begin, ' The British Empire,' by Professor R. Coupland , C.I.E., to be obtained from the Publications Department, B.B.C., or from any B.B.C. office, price 6d., 7d. post free. Mr. J. L. Evans , who broadcasts this evening, is a Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge.