A boy makes decorations for the Hindu festival of Diwali.
(Shown yesterday at 10am)
More fun with the little blue folk.
Children's magazine.
(Shown yesterday, 5.10pm BBC1)
Cartoon adventures.
(Repeated at 3.25pm on BBC1) (Repeat)
Harry is impounded by an animal controller.
(Note: repeats are not indicated)
9.10 Voces Espanolas: Home and Environment
(ages 14-16)
9.30 Clementine: C'est Pas Juste!
(ages 14-16)
9.45 Numbertime 1-10: Number Two
(ages 4-6)
Two children look for frogs in a pond and Laa-Laa looks at flowers.
(Repeated tomorrow at 7am)
10.30 Watch: Ourselves - Me
(ages 5-7)
10.45 Science Zone: People - Horses for courses
(ages 9-11)
11.05 Space Ark: People - How Life Begins
(ages 7-11)
11.15 Megamaths: Five Times
(ages 7-9) (Subtitled)
11.35 Watch: Music - the Song Catcher: Work Calypso
(ages 5-7)
11.50 History File: Black Peoples of the Americas
(ages 11-13) (Subtitled)
12.10 Belief File - Issues: Belief and Suffering
(ages 14-19)
History File
Black Peoples of the Americas: Everyday Life on a Plantation Island
20 minutes on BBC Two England
The schools history series reconstructs the day-to-day experience of slavery for Betty Newton, a field hand on a Caribbean island.
Business and consumer news.
This afternoon Sophie Grigson uses basil in recipes for pesto and a tomato, sweetcorn and basil soup.
Bob Langley visits Skye, the largest of the Inner Hebrides and home to otters, white-tail sea eagles and alpine plants.
Support Material: To obtain the 48-page guide accompanying the series, send a cheque for £4.00, made payable to BBC Education, to [address removed]
Ceefax: page
Further coverage of the day's events in Blackpool, including the address by Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The design roadshow visits Ragley Hall in Warwickshire.
Cookery challenge.
Under discussion today is the fostering of children. Lowri Turner meets families who reveal how fostering changed their lives, while other guests, including former athlete Kriss Akabusi, talk about their experiences as foster children.
Quiz with Martyn Lewis.
Draz is becoming increasingly jealous of Kurt and Anita's relationship, and Nikki develops a new-found faith in astrology.
Andrew Neil presents a live phone-in with the politicians making the news. Plus a roundup of the day's events at the Labour party conference in Blackpool.
(Contact details Monday) (Subtitled)
The consumer education magazine, presented by Martin Bashir.
Tonight's edition tests the government's plans to cut down traffic congestion during the school run by asking parents to try alternatives such as walking and car sharing. Plus a look at the information technology revolution in schools. With Liz Kershaw
See today's choices.
Society photographer Christopher Sykes continues his culinary tour of British stately homes.
This week he visits Heydon Hall in Norfolk, once a Cromwellian stronghold and now home to the Bulwer-Long family. There he visits an ancient building once used to provide ice for the kitchen, and hunts for crabs in the nearby village of Cromer.
The family's retired cook returns to the kitchen to reveal some of her culinary secrets, preparing chicken chaud froid, which she once cooked for Queen Mary, and traditional summer pudding.
Tonight retired weatherman Ian McCaskill tells of his passion for saucy postcards, and rock musician Rick Wakeman reveals why he would pay £15,000 for a rare turn-of-the-century pen.
Plus a school for antiques lovers wanting to furthertheir knowledge, a look at superior vintage lawnmowers and a celebration of master potter Bernard Leach. Presented by Fiona Bruce. with Tim Wonnacott.
David Dickinson and Paul Atterbury. Series producer Jane Lomas
Series editor Mark Hill WEB SITE: www.bbc.co.uk/antiques
First of six new editions in the historical documentary series.
An estimated quarter-of-a-million homosexuals fought for Britain during the Second World War. At the time, homosexuality was still a criminal offence, but the authorities mostly turned a blind eye during the national crisis.
Tonight's programme tells the story of these forgotten fighters, revealing the extent to which homosexual activity was condoned within the ranks.
See today's choices.
Concluding the series of short motoring biographies. Former keepers of a 1944 Dodge ambulance reminisce.
Classic comedy from 1974.
A little help from Albert's martial arts friends saves the day.
(Repeat) (Subtitled)
Analysis of the day's news, with Gordon Brewer.
Followed by Video Nation Shorts
Jean Lee looks ahead to the arrival of her son - then looks back on the painful and difficult birth.
The second in the series following a young offenders' exchange project finds the Belfast group reaching the end of the first leg and preparing for their journey to London. A compromise is reached over the issue of free time, but tempers flare up again when some members of the group are found to be possessing drugs.
The last film is tomorrow at 11.20pm
Bilko steps in when one of his former privates is cheated out of an inheritance.
(Black and white) (Repeat)
Followed by Weatherview
(Repeats are not indicated)
Open University
12.30 Surviving the Exam
1.00 What's All This Fuss About IT?
2.00 Music: Programme 1
4.00 Espana Viva 1-2
Business and Training
5.00 Engineering Your Future 1-3
Open University
5.45 The Liberation of Algebra
6.10 Energy Through the Window
6.35-7.00am The World's Best Athlete?