With signing.
Cartoon tales with the furry secret agent. Repeat.
More action from 25 years of record-breaking. Shown on Monday at 4.35pm on BBC1
Animation about the teddy truck drivers led by Boss Bear.
Repeated at 2pm Repeat
Animation, narrated by Paul Nicholas. The little dog goes on a picnic.
(Repeated at 2.05pm) (Repeat)
Parliamentary update. Stereo ........
Note: repeats are not indicated.
9.00Jeunes Francophones (ages 14-16) Stereo 1701124 9.25 See You See Me (ages 7-9) Weather- Movement
8070056 9.45 Words and Pictures (ages
5-7) Emeka's Gift
A visit to the Roundabout Stop. MrJollyandRosietakealookat trains.
10.30 Numbertime (ages 4-5) Shapes
Together stereo 9094817 10.45 Cats ' Eyes (ages 5-7) Changes in Materials-Freezing and Melting
11.00 Around Scotland (ages 10-12)
Towns - Expansion and Growth
11.20 Music Makers (ages 9-11)
Structure Stereo 7788834 11.40 Taking Issue (ages 14-16) Right orWrong 1981292 12.00 Spanish Globo (ages
11-12) MisAmigos (programme 5) 6634853 12.05 History File (ages 14-17) 20th CenturyWrap- 1960s: the "Me" Generation
Business and consumer news from locations around Britain. Stereo ........
1.00 The Geography Programme (ages
11-16) Investigating Britain - Teleworking Stereo 15239211 1.20Thunderbirds in French The Man from M15 (part 5)
1.25ZigZag(ages 7-9) Anglo-Saxon Life Stereo 15225018 1.45 Come Outside (ages
4-5) Street Lamps
2.00 Shown at 8.20 am.
From Ascot, featuring races at 2.30,3.05 and 3.35. Commentary by PeterO'Sullevan, Richard Pitman and Peter Scudamore , with reports by Jonathan Powell.
ProducerWendySheppard Stereo .............. lncludingat2.50News Regional News and Weather
Regional News and Weather
Further Masters action from Wembley
Conference Centre as Ken Doherty 's clash with world number 14 Alain Robidoux reaches its conclusion. Presented by DavidVine. Stereo .................................
Picard is unexpectedly reunited with his first love in the midst of an investigation into a deadly time-warp experiment.
(Repeat) (Stereo) (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is tomorrow at 6pm)
Live and Kicking's Trev Neal and Simon Hickson present more comic characters. Executive producerChris Bellinger Stereo.
Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
Classic comedy first shown in 1959.
Hancock's success with the girls is hampered by his nose - or so he thinks. Feeling humiliated, he barricades himself in the house, until Sid suggests plastic surgery.
(Black and white) (Repeat) (Subtitled)
Coverage of the Masters from Wembley Conference Centre. John Higgins takes on the winner of the Mark Williams and Paul Hunter match for a place in the final eight. Presented by David Vine.
Fifth of six programmes following new business bosses through the first year of their hectic lives.
Seeing Is Believing. Derek Jones has an ambition: to turn the ailing spectacle company Swan Optical into a multi-million pound sunglasses empire. When he wins a crucial order for several thousand pairs from a department store, the future looks rose-tinted and he is determined to meet it. But as the company team work on the order, they start to wonder if they have overstretched themselves.
Producer Clare Duggan ; Executive producer
Robert Thirkell
CHART: for a management development choices chart send a cheque for L2, made payable to BBC
Education, to: [address removed]
Followed by Video Nation Shorts
An analysis of the day's news, with Jeremy Paxman. Subtitled......
David Vine introduces highlights from the day's play in the Masters from
Wembley Conference Centre as the line-upforthe quarter-finals is decided.
Followed byWeatherview
Late-night political chat with Andrew Neil and guests.
Open University
12.30 Oceanography Repeat
1.30 Galapagos - Research in the Field - ensuring the survival of the fauna of the islands. Stereo
2.00 Square One 15-20
BBC Focus
4.00 English Heritage Historythrough Role Play 22051 4.30Unicefinthe Classroom Dividing the Mango and Saving a Life 51490 5.00 Modern Apprenticeships GetPaid, Get
Trained, Get Qualified Repeat
5.30 Voluntary Matters Selling Yourself -gettingto grips with the challenges of thenewmillenium.
Open University
6.00 Reindeer in the Arctic Repeat 6991709 6.25 Why Me? Why Now?
Repeat 6903544 6.50 Brief Encounter