Planet Earth: a Scientific Model
Parliamentary news.
9.00 Short Circuit: the Black Desert (Stereo)
9.10 Standard Grade Studies: The MP in Scotland
9.30 Ici Paris: Paris jeunesse (Stereo)
9.45 You and Me
10.00 Square 1: Data Handling (Stereo)
10.15 Over the Moon: Play and Games
10.30 History File: The Romans - Defending the Empire
10.50 Mathsphere: Oil over Troubled Water/Something Fishy (Stereo)
11.10 Landmarks: Wading in the Wash
11.30 Geography Programme: Tourists, tourists
11.50 Topics: The Way People Talk/Girls about Boys; Boys about Girls (Stereo)
12.10 Let's See: Go 4, 5
12.30 Science in Action: Burning Issues
12.50 Teaching Today: the Management of Pupil Behaviour - Making it Happen
1.20 Charlie Chalk
1.35 Rupert
1.40 Music Time: Machines (Stereo)
2.00 News and Weather
followed by You and Me
Programme for consumers of welfare and public services, with a report on the plight of young drug users and asks what help is available to them and their families.
Followed by Westminster Live
Including Prime Minister's
Question Time. Introduced by Vivian White.
and Regional News; Weather
Further coverage.
With Jeffrey Archer and Tony Banks , MP. ● STEREO
New Zealand v England From Wellington. Peter
Williams introduces highlights of the first day's play in the final Test of this three-match series.
Western starring Audie Murphy Colorado, 1875: detective
Bob Gifford is assigned to infiltrate a gang of ruthless outlaws.
Director Frank McDonald • FILMS: pages 35-40
Paradise Lost
Last summer, 87,000 extra students were admitted to higher education in the UK. Can the system cope?
Thousands of students will take to the streets next week to protest at what they claim is chronic overcrowding and lack of resources. Are they people under pressure, or a privileged minority who should climb down from their ivory tower? Michael Delahaye reports. Producer Halina Kierkuc
Executive producer Peter Lowe
Regional Variations (2)
How Green
Four programmes on the experience of redundancy.
2: John. It is now three years since John, a 43-year-old married man with children, was made redundant from his
£50,000-a-yearjob. He is now in enormous debt, struggling to accept that the good times may be gone for ever.
Producer Christopher Salt
Last in the series.
FX4 London Taxi. Cabbies have a love-hate relationship with this machine which has survived over 30 years, and now with a new Japanese engine is set to drive on into the next century. Narrated by Warren Clarke.
Producer Michael Davies
Series producer Peter Grimsdale
Regional Variations (2)
A Bit of Fry and Laurie
Another half-hour of events designed to make you laugh, with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. A reader is disappointed by Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and contestants avoid the obvious on Countdown.
Six stories from the new Spain. 2: Tempting Providence
Every year at Corpus Christi the villagers of Puenteareas carpet the streets with flowers. But this is Galicia, where Franco was born, and the festivities cannot hide the tension between traditional values and modern liberalism.
Since the dictator's death in 197 5 there has been a new freedom for Spain, but conservative critics are appalled at the result.
Presented by Ian Gibson. Producer Clem Vallance
Series producer Alan Bookbinder
Do-it-yourself interviews.
Tonight, Roger Cooper , who spent six years in an Iranian prison on espionage charges. Producer Michael Davies
With Peter Snow.
Ottoman Supremacy: the Suleimaniye, Istanbul