An update on Parliament.
9.00 Short Circuit: The Black Desert (Stereo)
9.10 Words into Action: Life and Death
Simon Mayo scares the life out of himself in his exploration of Christianity.
9.30 Diez Temas: Tiempo Libre
Spanish for beginners.
9.45 You and Me: Recycle It
10.00 Thinkabout Science: Blowing Bubbles (Stereo)
10.15 Search Out Science: Balancing Acts
How do you make a skyscraper stand up?
10.35 Q and A
10.40 Around Scotland: The Real Thing
Marilyn wants to live in Ramsay Street.
11.00 Words and Pictures: The Surprise Party
11.15 English Time: On Approval
11.35 Teaching Today: The Management of Pupil Behaviour - Making It Happen
12.05 TV6: Smoking
Personal stories of people suffering from smoking-related diseases.
12.30 Lifeschool: Mixing In
12.55 Espana Viva
Spanish for beginners.
1.20 Pigeon Street: Springtime for Hugo
1.35 Rupert
1.40 Zig Zag: Tales from Europe - Britain
2.00 News and Weather
followed by You and Me
A look at the world of insects.
Food for Thought. How the death of one insect means food for another. Presented by Professor Erik Holm.
John Fitzmaurice Mills shows how to repair gold leaf.
John Craven with rural issues.
Followed by Westminster Live
Today's proceedings in Parliament.
and Regional News; Weather
The Masters from Wembley Conference Centre.
The latest action, featuring world no 7 Steve James.
(See alsoSportsnight, 10.30pm BBC
Linda Agran examines personal and emotional issues.
Malaria: Battle of the Merozoites
* WORLD MAGAZINE: February issue includes an article on New Malaria Vaccine. £2.00, from newsagents.
The adventures of the new USS
Enterpriseand its crew.
Starring Patrick Stewart
The Offspring. Data becomes a father when he creates an android using his own neural programming.
With Whoopi Goldberg.
Reportage: Unemployment 2000: a Decade on the Dole
In the past year unemployment among young people has increased more than 11 times faster in Britain than in the rest of Europe. A series of in-depth reports asks what will be the effect of migration from eastern Europe, and will today's teenagers still be on the dole in ten years? With Aminatta Ford.
Producer Margaret Enefer Series editor Tony Moss
7.25pm Rapido
Antoine de Caunes whizzes through 1992's predictions: Brand New Heavies wait for their Dream Come True, Daisy Chainsaw threaten to trash the rock world, and Naughty by Nature reveal the future for rap. Plus Gaultier's expedition with Army of Lovers.
Executive producers Alex Berger and Tim Newman
An NBdC production for BBCtv
Personal reflections on a day from the past.
The First Day of the 20th Century (chosen by Ralph Steadman ). The day which may have happened twice - was it
1 January 1900 or 1 January 1901 ? Whichever, for artist Ralph Steadman it was a mistake. With both Tolstoy and Kipling confined to bed, Mafeking in full swing and Max Planck discovering the principles of nuclear physics, the seeds were sown for a century of change. Producer John Triffitt
Trapped: the Story of Henry Green
Henry Yorke was an aristocrat and an industrialist. As Henry Green he wrote ten unique books. This is the strange, sad story of a little-known man who chronicled, like no other, the unshowy virtues of Englishness. Producer Roger Thompson Series editor Nigel Williams
First showing on I network television for this drama. Starring Brian Dennehy
Oakridge seems to be an idyllic place to live. Even the local chemical plant has job vacancies and a perfect safety record. But pressure from head office to increase production leads to risk-taking that had previously been considered unacceptable - a recipe for disaster.
Director Rick Wallace • FILMS: pages 35-40
With Jeremy Paxman.
Arts and media news.
12.00 Reindeer in the Arctic: a Study in Adaptation 12.25 Seize the Fire
(Shownat4.40pm) ●STEREO