Starting with 6.30-6.55 Business Breakfast News headlines or summaries every quarterhour.
With Robert Kilroy-Silk .
More bistro food.
and Regional News; Weather
With Philippa Forrester.
The Patch Stop.
Animated adventures.
With Mike Smith. Quiz show. * STEREO
and Regional News; Weather
Gloria Hunniford presents a bundle of cash-saving ideas. ● STEREO
Includes a celebration of the 40th anniversary of HM the Queen's accession, comedian Ernie Wise talking to
Phillip Hodson in Personally Speaking, and Tim Grundy checking out flamboyant jazz musician
George Melly 's wardrobe. 0 COVER STORY: page 17
Including at
12.00 News and Regional News; Weather
Today, BBCtv sports presenter Helen Rollason looks forward to next week's XVIth Olympic Winter Games.
Followed by Weather
Quiz hosted by Henry Kelly.
The Masters from Wembley Conference Centre. The opening quarter-final this afternoon promises a repeat of last year's gripping final between Stephen Hendry and Mike Hallett , if they have overcome Martin Clark and Dean Reynolds respectively.
Presented by Eamonn Holmes.
With Andi Peters.
A musical series. The noise gets Melvin down - but Maureen gets down to the noise! With Sophie Aldred and Matthew Devitt.
Written by Simon Davies ● STEREO
Stanley in Space (part 1).
Last of three stories by Jeff Brown , told for Jackanory by David Healy.
Cartoon action. (Repeat)
Six-part comedy drama series. 5: The gang is breaking up but one person can save the day.
With Antony Eden , Mona Bruce , Carol Leader, Billy Fellows , Jenny McCracken , Samantha Hammond , Lydia Chesshyre , Carl Ferguson , Adam Searles and Benji Gerstein. Written by Martin Riley ● STEREO
The news for children.
Presented by Yvette Fielding , John Leslie and Diane-Louise Jordan. ● STEREO
Melanie decides to get Paul and Christina's horoscope read but doesn't like what she hears.
Helen has come to terms with Jim's infidelity.
(For cast see Monday. Shown at 1.30pm) ● STEREO
With Anna Ford and Andrew Harvey.
Weather Ian McCaskill
0 TELETEXT SUBTITLES (news): page 888
The UK's top chart show featuring the best of today's music, including tracks from the album charts. From its custom-built studio at Elstree, the programme hosts live bands and exclusive appearances by top stars, regardless of whether they are in the charts. Introduced by Adrian Rose and Mark Franklin.
Director Arch Dyson
Producer Stanley Appel • STEREO
Kathy realises that Willmott-Brown has not taken in a word she has said, while Frank is concerned that Ian and Pete are heading for trouble. Will they heed his advice? Sharon demands some explanations from Grant, but then decides to play him at his own game. Mark is feeling neglected by Rachel.
Episode written by Helen Millar
(Teletext Subtitles: page 888)
Regional Variations (2)
Elizabeth R
Taken from a year of unprecedented access to Her Majesty The Queen, this 1992 film goes behind the scenes for a close-up look at the monarchy.
With Martyn Lewis. Regional News
Weather Ian McCaskill e TELETEXT SUBTITLES (news): page 888
Tonight the programme has an all-female panel for only the second time in its 13-year history, as Peter Sissons chairs this edition from London. It comprises Edwina Currie , MP; Patricia Hewitt , deputy director of the Institute of Public Policy Research;
Yve Newbold , company secretary of Hanson pic, and Shirley Williams , founder member of the SDP and now a professor at Harvard University. They answer questions from the audience on issues of the day. Producer Lea Sellers
Editor Alexandra Henderson
A Brian Lapping production for BBCtv
● AUDIENCE: ifyouwanttobepartofthe Question Time audience, write to: [address removed]
Benson and Hedges Masters from Wembley Conference Centre. Jimmy White 's best form in the Masters came in the middle 80s, when he was champion in 1984 and runner-up two years ago. The London crowd will be right behind
White tonight if, as expected, he takes his place in the second quarter-final, with World Matchplay champion
Gary Wilkinson his likely opponent.
With signing and subtitles.
0 INFORMATION: if you would like afree information pack, a free leaflet providing advice on setting the timer on your video recorder, or would like tooffer feedback to the programme, phone 0[number removed]
(calls are free). Or write to: The Way Ahead, PO Box 7, London W36XJ.