6.50 St Paul's Cathedral
7.15 A Natural Model
7.40 Psychology: Here's Looking at You
8.5 Raising Sons and Daughters
8.30 Open Communities
8.55 Britain: Granary for the Roman Empire?
9.20 A Trunk Road Appraisal
9.45 Dominance and Subordinacy
10.10 Thallium in Organic Synthesis
10.35 Titian: Three Paintings
11.0 Ethnic Minorities: To Bedford from Busso
11.25 The Shape of Cars to Come
11.50 Arts: Images of Class
12.15 Brian or Rosemary?
12.40 Religion: The Greek Liturgy
1.5 Testing Time for Maestro
1.30 Modern Art: St Ives
1.55 Organic Chemistry: Polymers