6.50 Acceleration at Constant Speed?
7.15 Town and Country in Ancient Rome
7.40 Language Development
8.5 Development in a Turkish Village
8.30 Television and Christmas
8.55 Ethnic Minorities: Colonisin' in Reverse: 1
9.20 Art in Italy: Riccio's Bronzes
9.45 Database: Local Authorities
10.10 Pure Maths: Orthogonal Bases
10.35 Maths Methods: Complex Exponentials
11.0 Introduction to Calculus
11.25 Maths: Complex Analysis
11.50 Technology: Behind the Seat
12.15 Telecommunications Networks
12.40 Modern Art: Monet
1.5 Using Libraries
1.30 Isotopes in Geology
(to 13.55)