(to 7.20)
with subtitles, followed by Weather
Sixth of eight programmes Pop 'n' Politics
Protest music is again fashionable in the wake of records and gigs for CND, the GLC and striking miners. But how do artists and consumers reconcile radical causes with the ethics of the music industry? And isn't all music political anyway?
Red Herrings this week talks to Billy Bragg, Jimmy Somerville and Aswad's Brinsley Forde backstage at the GLC's 'Jobs for a Change' festival. It also explores the political role of the current indie scene with the Red Guitars, while avant-garde band Test Department show that you don't need lyrics and conventional instruments to make political music ... Film editor SIMON HOLLAND Producer CHRIS LENT
Directed by SUE DAVIDSON
The Red Herrings File contains background notes and useful contacts. Send a large sae and 28p postage to:[address removed]
Earth, 1968. Travelling back in time on a research mission, the Enterprise intercepts a transporter beam and welcomes on board Gary Seven. Kirk is sceptical about the stranger's claim that his mission is to save Earth - but is the Captain's disbelief about to trigger off World War III? (R)
Last of eight programmes on the mammals of Britain presented by Tony Soper
There are no wild wolves in Britain today, and to see a wildcat you need to go to Scotland and be lucky.
And yet the descendants of these animals live in close association with us, as our pets. What was it that made the ancestors of our cats and dogs such suitable material for domestication?
Film editor HUGH TASMAN Producer BRYN BROOKS
Last of seven programmes Nowhere Else to Go
Poverty, starvation, and mounting debt in many developing countries; spare capacity, unemployment, but still great wealth in the industrialised world; increasing environmental damage everywhere. Can the needs of widely differing economies be satisfied, and the lives of poor people everywhere improved, without damaging the planet? John Seymour reports from around the world.
John Ormond narrates.
Film cameraman RUSS WALKER Film editor JOHN BREWSER Producer BRIAN TURVEY
Rosebay Willowherb
This has to be one of the most splendid of all Britain's wild plants - with a flair for taking over large areas not only of countryside, but of city centres too.
Michael Jordan looks at how one of the more opportunist wild flowers has exploited our lifestyle to further its own. Video cameraman ALAN HAYWARD Producer SARA FORD
Face to Face
British justice has long regarded punishment as the sole preserve of the courts: crimes against society get punished by society in the dispassionate shape of judges or magistrates. Peter Taylor this week examines radical developments in sentencing which could give the victims a say in the fate of their offenders. Magistrates and criminals, probation officers and victims consider whether vengeance and forgiveness should weigh the scales of justice.
Executive producer COLIN CAMERON BBC Manchester
A series of films about the way we live now
The Fishing Party
They are four friends, rich young men - city commodity-brokers, the drinks trade. They belong to the right clubs. They hunt, shoot, play polo, make money.
They had the idea of going fishing in Scotland for a few days in the autumn, to see if they could break the world record for a catch of skate. They ended up with something else.
As the October weather squalls and shines, as the boat rolls on the stormy waters of the Pentland Firth, as the days pass without the big bite, so the jokes flow, the bottles are cracked, and Robert, John, Henry and Guy reveal their spirited, outspoken opinions.
'Better for some to have privilege rather than nobody - let's lead from the top, not the bottom ... Many of our friends, in the City and the army, worry about the aggressive young men of the loony left....'
It's a controversial view of the state of the nation today. Narrator Ian Holm
The world's top 16 players compete for the Pot Black trophy in BBC2's international snooker tournament.
Tonight's one-frame match features Canada's former world champion, Cliff Thorburn , Pot Black champion in 1981, against England's David Taylor. Commentator TED LOWE Referee JOHN WILLIAMS Presenter David Icke Director PETER HAYWARD Producer JOHN G. SMITH BBC Pebble Mill
by the Conservative Party
Weekend Outlook previews daytime programmes of special interest from the Open University on Saturday and Sunday.
A BBC/Open University production
The Rt Hon Edward Heath, MP introduces this programme, which looks at the stereotyping of Third World issues in the Western media.
(to 0.05)