6.5 Architecture and Society
6.30 The Romans in France
6.55 Barnacle Geese
7.20 Harris Tweed
7.45 Industrial Relations: Us and Them
The Agent
The United States offers a huge potential market to British exporters, but specialist local knowledge is often important to win orders.
A BBC/Open University production
A Matter of Form
Schools can play an important part in helping their pupils to think about future work. In this programme, two groups of 13-year-olds begin to consider career choice.
A BBC/Open University production
with subtitles, followed by Weather
Lapwings tumble the skies, mad march hares cavort in pastures, rare stone curlews nest camouflaged on the Dorset uplands. When summer comes to Cranbome Chase , the meadows are rich with butterflies and flowers including rare wild orchids. Narrator Douglas Leach
Produced by KEITH HOPKINS BBC Bristol
The feature film starring Richard Mulligan Johnny Sekka
When an American anthropologist visits Kenya to film the Maasai tribe, his teenage son Kevin befriends the Chief's son and together they go on an exciting trek in the bush, encountering wild animals in exotic landscapes. A witness to the strange and sometimes cruel rituals of the tribe, Kevin proves his manhood in this beautifully photographed adventure. and members of the MAASAI TRIBE of Kenya
Screenplay by ALBERT RUBEN based on the photo-novel by ROBERT HALMI Produced by ROBERT HALMI
(First showing on British television) Films: page 12
(Postponed from 24 May)
In the first of ten programmes John FitzMaurice Mills looks at techniques used by artists through the ages.
Fig milk, lapis lazuli and hot wax are a few of the unlikely substances used to explain and demonstrate the ingenious methods used by the Romans and Egyptians.
Studio director FIONA MCKENZIE
Producer CHRISTOPHER LEWIS. BBC Bristol t FEATURE: page 8
on Leslie Crowther
Leslie recounts some of the highlights of a long and successful career in show business and illustrates with a tune at the piano, a funny song or two and a string of theatrical anecdotes, why his lively versatility has made him into the top-class entertainer he is today.
Introduced by Gordon Peters
Music Ronnie Bridges Quartet
Recorded at the Festival Theatre, Malvern
Produced and directed by DON SAYER
Presented by Paul Heiney
The magazine that helps you get more out of your holiday with news, features and essential information for everybody on the move this summer. Kathy Rochford 's Mediterranean report -this week Costa del Sol.
Holiday currencies - what's your pound worth today?
Jim Bacon 's weather facts and forecasts.
And the latest from The Travel Show's hitch-hiker.
Executive producer ALAN DOBSON BBC Manchester
starring Keith Barron Susan Hampshire by CARLA LANE
4: All that Daniel wants is to get his divorce from Martha over, but Martha - having suggested leaving each other in the first place - keeps finding reasons for them to procrastinate. This time it's her sudden love for their house.
Produced and directed by JOHN B. HOBBS
* Subtit/es on Ceefax page 270
by Jane Beeson
A country tale in three parts
with Cheryl Campbell
'Dear Caroline. I don't pretend to understand you. "A challenge" you say; is that what you call giving up your independence? It seems to me you've chosen to bury yourself on a crumbling hill farm as a last way out.'
But Caroline's friend had not understood her love for a Devon farmer and the mystery of Dartmoor.
BBC Bristol
Feature: page 72
(Subtitles on Ceefax page 270)
The last of this series with Juliet Alexander and Vince Herbert Among this week's reports, goodbye GLC. How will abolition of the Greater London Council affect black people?
County Hall's help for ethnic minorities has been a controversial part of Labour's policy for London. As the Government moves towards scrapping the GLC, Ebony reports on the work of London's Ethnic Minorities Unit. Who will take over the unit's role when the GLC goes? Will it be missed?
Series producer CHRISTOPHER GRAHAM BBC Bristol
Life's Building Blocks
One of the greatest achievements of the biological revolution has been to work out how the materials of life are put together.
Armed with that knowledge, biotechnology is now able to put a whole host of new substances to work in industries as different as oil exploration and vaccine production. The final step is to be able to make in the laboratory test-tube, virtually any of the chemicals which until now only life itself has been able to create.
12.5 Topology: Covering Surfaces
A surface which can be wrapped around a second surface is called a 'covering surface'.
12.30 War and the Media
The programme looks at how the reporting of war by the media affects our judgment.