Live coverage of the second day in Margate.
Story: "The Wobbly Chair" (trad)
(Repeated on BBC1 at 4.10 pm)
Further coverage from Margate.
with Richard Whitmore
and at five-to-eight:
Conference Report
David Holmes reporting from the Liberal Party Assembly
A Yugoslav television report quotes Casanova: 'Nothing in England resembles the rest of Europe. Even the earth is different. Everything there has peculiar properties, the people, male and female, the cattle, the fish...' It's still true, according to the Yugoslavs, who are also a little puzzled to find the British so cheerful.
Film from Television Ljubljana, in Yugoslavia, starts a new series of documentary reports on the European scene as presented by television networks in West and East Europe.
Introduced by Derek Hart
by H.G. Wells
Dramatised in four parts by Alun Richards
After a few months of marriage Mr Lewisham finds that financial difficulties cause trouble with his wife, and the pursuit of his ideals becomes difficult.
A series of ten programmes
with Kenneth Hudson
At the Tolgus Tin works in Cornwall the last surviving example of the original form of tin production is still in commercial operation, a system based on a tradition of knowledge and experience accumulated from Roman times.
starring Sacha Distel who tonight welcomes Olivia Newton-John, Ted Rogers featuring a special appearance of one of America's top songwriters, Sammy Cahn, in a medley of some of his greatest hits.
With The Norman Maen Dancers, The Maggie Stredder Singers, Peter Knight and his Orchestra
The second of three films by the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa
Starring Masayuki Mori, Toshiro Mifune, Setsuko Hara
In this film the story is transferred from 19th-century St Petersburg to modern-day Japan. Dostoevsky's symbol of Christian goodness and innocence, 'the idiot,' epileptic Prince Myshkin becomes the ex-prisoner Kameda, and Rogozhin in the original story becomes Akama.