Market prices and intelligence, the weather and what's new for farmers. Producers ROBIN HICKS and GARTH COOPER
Outlook: reflecting matters of Christian interest and concern VHF Regional news and weather
6.55 Weather, programme news
A weekly review of the agricultural scene
Producer ANTHONY PARKIN BBC Birmingham
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Outlook
Paul Barnes introduces Radio 4's 65-minute world-wide look at the weekend: including at
7.50 medium wave Keep Fit for All the Family with EILEEN FOWLER , or VHF Regional news and weather; 7.55 Weather and programme news
At 8.0 News and more of Today with Sports-desk at 8.30.; Papers at 8.40*
on behalf of The Labour Party
9.5 From Our Own Correspondent
9.30 Talking Politics
ANTHONY KING presents the first of six programmes to mark the Bicentennial of the United States, in which he asks, ' Are there any American political institutions or ways of doing things which we ought to consider importing to Britain? 1: Primaries
10.0 News
10.2 The Weekly World
HONOR BALFOUR reviews what the weeklies have to say: illustrations read by PAULINE BUSHNELL Narrator SUSAN DENNY
New Every Morning, page 17; Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain (BBC Hymn Book 109); Canticle 3; Wisdom of Solomon 1, vv 1-2, 12-16, and 2, vv 1-9 (rsv); Alleluia, Alleluia! (BBC m 98)
MARGARET HOWARD presents her selection of extracts from BBC Radio and Television programmes during the past seven days.
Presented by Anthony Smith
A weekly survey of what is new and significant in science and technology at home and abroad.
as Radio 3
Weather and programme news VHF Regional news and wea.their
Sir Campbell Adamson Ann Clwyd
Michael Clayton Neil Kinnock , up
Chairman David Jacobs from Powys
Jill Burridge and Andy Price sometimes in control of a lively hour with reporters at large and guests in the studio.
And DAVID STRONG reads Aunt Tatty by ELIZABETH BOWEN. abridged by JANET QUIGLEY , Produced by the Woman's Hour Unit
Geraldine McEwan and Rosalie Crutchley in Just the Job by LIANE AUKIN
What does a woman do when she feels she needs to be freer - needs a Job - and yet has a family to run? Why - she advertises for help. That' cry for help is answered by a woman who feels she needs to be freer - must have a job - and yet has a family to run ... and so ad infinitum.
Produced and directed by KAY PATRICK
as Radio 3
Gordon Clough with PM's reporting team Editor DEREK LEWIS
Weather and programme news VHF Regional news and weather
Unpredictable table-talk bounced off the week's crop of sense and/or nonsense, with observers of and contributors to, the current social, artistic and political scene.
Musical intervals by THE TEMPERANCE SEVEN
Regional Variations (2)
Roy Plomley's castaway is actress Glynis Johns. Show more
Glynis Johns, the actress, chooses the records she would take to a desert island and discusses them with Roy Plomley.
(Repeated: Monday 12.27 pm)
Richard Baker with records
(Shortened edn: Thurs 9.5 am)
Death Kiss Kate by MAX MARQUIS
' Look, skip. this flying business is dicey enough as it is without going to look for extra problems. Right now we're all as jumpy as mice, with scrub-outs and stand-downs night after night. If we're going to have to start worrying about jinxes and bad luck ... we might as well send in for our little wooden crosses right now. '
Produced and directed by CHERRY COOKSON
Peter Cheeseman
Benedict Nightingale and Trevor Griffiths in conversation with Brian Redhead
Words and music for late evening led by IAN MACKENZIE
preceded by Weather