The latest shipping forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
News Briefing
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
Regional Variations (2)
Prayer for the Day
Daily prayer and reflection with Kevin Franz of the Religious Society of Friends.
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Farming Today
News and issues in rural Britain with Mark Holdstock.
Regional Variations (3)
With John Humphrys and Evan Davis. Sports Desk at 6.25am, 7.25am, 8.25am; Yesterday in Parliament at 6.45am; Weather at 6.05am, 6.57am, 7.57am; Thought for the Day at 7.48am.
Regional Variations (2)
What's the Point of.... Michelin Stars?
4/4: Michelin Stars. Quentin Letts takes a witty but thought-provoking look at some great British institutions.
Regional Variations (2)
Team Spirit ,
A research group in the Antarctic implement initiation rites to help with bonding. Presented by Claudia Hammond. From April 2008.
Regional Variations (4)
Daily Service
Book of the Week:
Daily Service
The Making of Mr Hai's Daughter: Seeta Indrani reads from Yasmin Hai's account of her assimilation into the English way of life. 2/5: Mr Hai decides to make his children English.
Regional Variations (2)
Woman's Hour
Harriet Harman and Liz Kelly on ending violence against women. Plus, writer Jacqueline Walker on 60s London, and singer Catherine Bott with songs from the Edwardian music hall.
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World on the Move: Great Animal Migrations
Great Animal Migrations: Philippa Forrester and Brett Westwood present the series following the movement and migration of animals across the planet.
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Rise of the Footnote
A light-hearted look at the history of the footnote in western literature, from the scribbled notes in the margin of a manuscript to multi-layered systems such as Wikipedia.
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines; Shipping Forecast
Consumer news and issues with Winifred Robinson and Liz Barclay.
Regional Variations (2)
Call You and Yours
With Liz Barclay and Winifred Robinson.
EMAIL:, PHONE: [number removed]
(calls from landlines cost no more than 8p per minute). Lines open from 10am
The latest weather forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
The World at One
National and international news with Martha Kearney.
Regional Variations (2)
Angelic Voices
Jeremy Summerly takes a look at the history of the boy choristers who have sung the daily liturgy in English cathedrals and collegiate churches for fourteen hundred years.
Regional Variations (2)
The Archers
Usha encounters some strong opposition. Show more
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Afternoon Play: Unpredicted
Unpredicted, by Annie McCartney. A Stormont Assembly candidate is rattled when his family begin receiving anonymous messages, accusing him of hypocrisy on the issue of abortion.
Regional Variations (2)
Making History
Making History
Sir John Tiptoft - William Walker - The Duddeston Viaduct
30 minutes on BBC Radio 4 FM
Writer Alison Weir gives some guidance on John Tiptoft to a Midland re-enactment troupe. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Countryman's Cooking
Leslie Phillips reads from WMW Fowler's definitive cookery manual for men. 2/5: Rook, Cormorant and Christmas. A recipe for an alternative roast dinner.
Regional Variations (2)
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen's History of Home
Bowen hits Manchester to explore the rise of lofts during the 1980s - a change in people's expectations of what homes could be. From April 2008.
Regional Variations (2)
Word of Mouth
Michael Rosen presents the series that takes a close look at the words we use, where they come from and how we play with them. He examines the concept of bad language. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Great Lives
Actor and writer Mark Gatiss chooses an actor most noted for horror film roles, Peter Cushing. With Matthew Parris. From 2008. Show more
Robert Kennedy reacts to Lyndon Johnson 's decision not to seek another term as president. For details see Saturday
John Tusa looks back at the events making the news 40 years ago. Robert Kennedy reacts to Lyndon Johnson's decision not to seek another term as president. Show more
Regional Variations (3)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Including at 5.57pm Weather.
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Six o'Clock News
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by Weather.
Regional Variations (2)
Ed Reardon's Week
When Ed upsets a Holocaust survivor, who would have thought it might lead to love? With Morwenna Banks. From November 2007.
Regional Variations (2)
The Archers
Will's day takes a turn for the worse. Show more
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Front Row
Arts news and reviews with Mark Lawson, including an interview with writer Kate Summerscale, whose new book examines a true Victorian murder case.
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What I Think of My Husband
Stephen Wakelam's account of the relationship between Thomas Hardy and his second wife Florence. 2/5: Hardy engineers a meeting between Florence and his wife Emma.
Regional Variations (2)
Inside the British Council
Emily Maitlis explores the workings of the British Council as the organisation approaches its 75th anniversary.
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In Touch
Peter White with news and information for the blind and partially sighted.
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Case Notes
Dr Mark Porter investigates health issues of the day. He looks at the latest treatments for the problems that occur with abnormal activity of the thyroid gland.
Regional Variations (2)
What's the Point of ... Michelin Stars?
4/4: Michelin Stars. Quentin Letts takes a witty but thought-provoking look at some great British institutions.
The latest weather forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
The World Tonight
National and international news and analysis with Ritula Shah. Including reports on a possible split in Zanu-PF over Zimbabwe's election and opposition to Ukraine's joining NATO.
Regional Variations (2)
Book at Bedtime: Mister Pip
Mister Pip, by Lloyd Jones. 2/10: Mr Watts has promised to introduce the children to Mr Dickens. This surprises them, for they thought Mr Watts the only white person on the island.
Regional Variations (2)
The Arts and How They Was Done
The Arts and How They Was Done
Episode 4: The Bronte Sisters and How They Done Their Novels
30 minutes on BBC Radio 4 FM
The National Theatre of Brent illuminate the lives of siblings Charlotte, Emily and Anne. Stars Patrick Barlow. From April 2007.
Regional Variations (2)
Today in Parliament
News, views and features on today's stories in Parliament with Susan Hulme.
Regional Variations (2)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by weather.
Regional Variations (2)
Book of the Week: The Making of Mr Hai's Daughter
The Making of Mr Hai's Daughter: Seeta Indrani reads from Yasmin Hai's account of her assimilation into the English way of life. 2/5: Mr Hai decides to make his children English.
The latest shipping forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service for a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes. BBC Radio 4 resumes at 5.20am.