Presented by John Humphrys and Sue MacGregor
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by DAVID SYMONDS
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
8.35* Yesterday in Parliament
8.50* Your Letters
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Sue Lawley's castaway is politician and writer Quintin Hogg. Show more
A series of eight programmes 7: Alexandria: No Abiding CityJoseph Hone returns to the remains of this fabled world - his city for a short time, too. (R)
A Meditation for Good Friday from Clifton Roman Catholic Cathedral, Bristol
Hannah Gordon,
Peter Barkworth and Peter Firth trace the story of the betrayal, trial and crucifixion of Jesus through poetry and prose. Music, new and traditional, adds to the opportunity to prepare your own response to the events of Good Friday. Compiled and written by PETER FIRTH
CHRISTOPHER WALKER Technical assistance
Producer JULIA WILLS. Stereo
Mary of Magdala by SARA MAITLAND
Read by Miriam Margolyes
The Road from 1945
The Attlee government is widely thought to have established the foundations of a new political and economic settlement.
Mrs Thatcher consciously set out to dismantle it. But did a consensus ever exist? Just how revolutionary have the Thatcher governments been?
What could be the new political landscape for the early 21st century?
Peter Hennessy chairs a discussion with Professor David Marquand , Sir John Hoskyns and Professor Eric Hobsbawm. Producer CAROLINE ANSTEY
The children's book programme introduced by Penelope Lively. How do you make children laugh? Are comics bad for children? Why do they love vulgarity? Writers Bob Wilson and Gene Kemp celebrate April Fools' Day with a look at funny children's books, from Alice in Wonderland to Burglar Bill. Producer SALLY FELDMAN
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 2.47pm)
0 WODDIS ON: page 97
Presented by John Howard
Today's programme reflects the spirit of the day - but which day and which spirit? Good Friday or April Fools' Day?
As well as the usual consumer items, a look at high-tech vet surgeries which suggests that pets are now getting a better deal when they are ill than humans do from hard-pressed hospitals.
For information about this week's 's programme. write for Factsheet No 13 to: You and Yours. BBC London WIA 1AA
Presented by Derek Cooper Producer VANESSA HARRISON
(Re-broadcast on Easter Monday)
Presented by John Sergeant
Today's story: The Beach (R)
from Birmingham
If Leonardo da Vinci had been a regular listener, he'd have known why the Mona Lisa was really smiling.
Presenter Dilly Barlow
Serial: Elizabeth and Her German Garden (4)
Five English Mystery plays with 4: Passion
In which Jesus enters
Jerusalem, is betrayed, and condemned by Pontius Pilate.
Musical composition by JOHN BULL and DANNY SCHILLER
Choral composition DAVID TIMSON Directed by MARTIN JENKINS. Stereo
John Waite reports on five small businesses.
3: A Butcher's in the West Yorkshire Village of Roberttown
Run by the Buckle Family Producer JEAN SNEDEGAR (R)
Presented by Bill Frost and Hugh Sykes
5.00,5.30 News Summary
5.25* PM Letters continued on FM 5.50-5.55
Tom Boswell puts the extra spark into the Going Places charabanc, expertly steered by Clive Jacobs with a little extra direction from Alanah Martin. Road, rail, air or sea ...if it moves, it's Going Places. Producer IRENE MALLIS
(Re-broadcast on Easter Monday)
Presented by Margaret Howard Producer ANNE HOWELLS. Stereo
(Revised re-broadcast on Easter Day)
The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Howe , mp, Secretary of State for
Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Frederic Raphael , author Bruce Kent , Chair, CND
Jean Rook , Assistant Editor, Daily Express.
From Camberley, Surrey
Chairman Jonathan Dimbleby Producer CAROLE STONE. BBC Bristol (Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1. 10pm) Send your letters to: Any Answers? BBC. Bristol BS8 2LR
Michael Elliott presents a personal view of the week's newspapers and talks to the people behind the headlines. Producer VALERIE SANDERSON
Letter from America by Alistair Cooke
Democrat agony
14 minutes on BBC Radio 4 FM
Available for over a year
Bush a shoe-in for Republicans but Democrat agony continues as Jackson and Dukakis run neck-and-neck. Show more
by Alistair Cooke
(Re-broadcast on Easter Day)
i Barcelona!
An open-air performance about perfumes using all the flowers and herbs of Catalonia! A TV sketch lampooning the holy trinity of Church, State and Football! In short, bizarre experiment and local scandal. Not just local - the last theatre group to visit London were banned after one performance! 6 What is going on in Barcelona? As the reputation spreads. Paul Allen finds out. Producer SIMON BROUGHTON
(Re-broadcast on Easter Monday)
Leaving Home 5: Life Is Good
Presented by David Sells
Sleep that knits up the ravell 'd sleave of care.
The death of each day's life, Sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life 's feast
MACBETH Act 2, scene 2
An exposition of sleep in verse and prose with Prunella Scales and Timothy West.
with The Rt Rev Patrick Kelly , Bishop of Salford
Producer JULIA BROSNAN BBC Manchester. Stereo