News, weather, papers and sport
6.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Presenters John Timpson and Brian Redhead
6.45° Prayer for the Day with THE REV RICHARD HARRIES
6.55, 7.55 Weather forecast
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
Read by PAULINE BUSHNELL preceded by There is a green hill far away
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45° Thought for the Day
8.35° Yesterday In Parliament
8.57 Weather: travel
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is writer and journalist Jan Morris. Show more
Llchfield Cathedral
Subchanter THE REV
Kyrie elelson (Sumslon In F)
Epistle: Hebrews 10. vv 12-22
Gradual: Psalm 69, vv 17-22 f A. H. Mann )
Gospel: John 19. vv 1-37 Creed (Darke in F)
Anthem: Christus factus est (Bruckner)
Hymn: My song is love unknown
Organist and Master of the Choristers
BBC Birmingham
Each day this week Robert Foxcroft Visits a place of Christian significance
Today: the Via Dolorosa
followed by travel
The BBC Radiophonic Workshop - the first 25 years
Though the Radiophonic Workshop was opened on 1 April 1958, it was very adequately described in 1624 by Francis Bacon In The New Atlantis:
'Wee have also Sound-houses, wher wee practise and demonstrate all Sounds, and their generation. Wee have Harmonies which you have not, of Quarter-Sounds, and lesser Slides of Sounds. Diverse Instruments of Musick likewise to you unknowne...' Devised by DESMOND BRISCOE and compiled and introduced by MICHAEL SMEE Produced at the RADIOPHONIC WORKSHOP by DAVID RAYVERN ALLEN
In the last of the present series. Ian Linn ponders over poems and rhymes about beasties and thingummyjigs.
Producer ANNE blair GOULD BBC Bristol
News. views and advice for consumers.
Presenter Bill Breckon
12.55 Weather: travel; programme news
Presenter Brian Wldlake
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
In Darkness a Light
News of death by violence darkens our every day. Why then focus attention on this ancient violence, if not because in all the centuries since, the Cross of Christ has brought light into the darkness of our human despair?
The Very Rev Sydney
Evans, Dean of Salisbury. considers this question in a meditation for The
Last Hour on Good Friday.
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, dramatised for radio in four parts by Constance Cox
Rodney Stone and his friend Jim, two young lads from the country, find themselves drawn into the racy, colourful but dangerous world of boxing and gambling, and become involved in a series of exciting adventures set in an England where the Prince Regent is all but King and Lord Nelson all but God.
Cherry Stones
CHERYL ARMITAGE brings the old nursery chant, Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor ... ' up to date. 8: Thief
John Hall , going straight from now on?
Three programmes
2: A Plain in New Castile Denis Owen and John Burton explore the hot, dusty plain to the south of the Credos mountain range, searching for some of Spain's wildlife specialities such as the jaunty azure-winged magpie, the red-rumped swallow, the magnificent Spanish Imperial eagle and that bird of the plains par excellence, the great bustard.
Producerjohnburton BBC Bristol
Looks and Smiles (3)
Presenters Robert Williams and Gordon Clough on VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather: programme news
with Chris Serle tringing you the stories behind the scenes in the world of travel and transport with help from EricTobltt,Alanah Martin , Tom Boswell
Margaret Howard presents her selection of extracts from BBC radio and television programmes over the past seven days. Producer IAN WILLOX
(Rev repeat: Sat 11.0 am)
A personal portrait in ccnversation, recollection and anecdote.
The Bishop of Durham.
The Rt Rev John Habgood Delia Smith
Lord Glenamara and Ned Shcrrln tackle the Issues raised by the audience at
Alnwlck,Northumberland. Chairman David Jacobs Producer GEOFFREY JAMES BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Sat 1.10 ptn)
Regional Variations (2)
Letter from America
Letter from America by Alistair Cooke
Reagan's 'Star Wars' speech
14 minutes on BBC Radio 4 FM
Available for over a year
Reagan's rhetoric reaches new heights with his bid for a 'Star Wars'-style missile platform. Show more
includes reviews of two contrasting books about a most controversial monarch: Richard III
England's Black Legend by Desmond Seward ; and The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon K. Penman : and a preview of Michael Elliott 's production of Kino" Lear, starring
LaurenceOHvier,Diana Rigg and Dorothy Tutin on Channel 4 on Sunday. Presenter
Michael Billlngton
John Morgan reporting
A new comedy show written and performed by the National Review Company who are Phil Nice, Maxine Ostwald Arthur Smith , Barbara Sutton and Adam Wide Musical director BARRIE BIGNOLD
(Repeated: Sat 5.25 pm)
The Rover by JOSEPH CONRAD abridged in ten parts by NEVILLE TELLER
Read by JULIAN GLOVER (10) Producer JOHN CARDY
A frank exchange of views between human and feline acquaintances. Compiled from some of the stories of PAUL GALLICO and adapted for radio by MARVIN KANE With
Sam Dastor as Thai and Elizabeth Morgan as Poosie in conversation with Timothy Bateson as The Man
If you but could
You would pluck out my eyes
And wear them set in rings on your fingers.
Or ornaments in your ears,
My so-called friend And animal lover. Directed by JOHN TIIEOCIIARIS
A meditation for Good Friday night by The Rev
Frank Cooke Producer
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude