The latest shipping forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
News Briefing
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
Regional Variations (2)
Prayer for the Day
Daily prayer and reflection with Rev Leslie Griffiths.
Regional Variations (2)
Farming Today
News and issues in rural Britain with Charlotte Smith. Farming Today gets reaction to a survey which claims one in ten people are unable to identify a sheep. Show more
Regional Variations (3)
With James Naughtie and Sarah Montague. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Yesterday in Parliament; Thought for the Day. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Lively and diverse conversation with Libby Purves and guests. Show more
Regional Variations (4)
Daily Service
Daily Service
Book of the Week:The Old Boys' Network
Dr Rae becomes increasingly involved in the national debate on education, but it is inflation rather than politics that presents the sternest challenge. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Woman's Hour
New research into anorexia discussed. Plus, Indian novelist Manju Kapur; the re-launch of The Lady magazine; and why women are being badly hit by the global recession.
Regional Variations (2)
The Mind Bender General
James Maw on the controversial 1960s and 1970s psychiatrist Dr William Sargant, who tested drugs on his patients with, some say, fatal results. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Safety Catch
Simon uses his 'flair for original ideas' to prove to his colleagues and family just how bad he feels about being an arms dealer. From April 2009. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines; Shipping Forecast
Consumer news and issues with Winifred Robinson. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
You and Yours
The latest weather forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
The World at One
National and international news with Martha Kearney.
Regional Variations (2)
The Media Show
Steve Hewlett talks to David Frost about contemporary TV, political interviewing and taking Jane Fonda to lunch. And are journalists being forced to become part of the story? Show more
Regional Variations (2)
The Archers
Tom and Brenda have a parting of the ways. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Afternoon Play: A Question of Royalty
4 Extra Debut. Two bungling self-employed plasterers try to win the day by stealing the Queen's wedding certificate. Stars Johnny Vegas and Ricky Tomlinson. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Money Box Live
Vincent Duggleby and guests answer calls on employment rights. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Opening Lines
A man wakes up one day to discover that he can see and hear everything that is happening in the world. By Frank Burton. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Into the Gap
Lemn encounters a Coronation Street actor going to a party, students going to Amsterdam and a Michael Jackson fan on the way to meet her idol. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Thinking Allowed
Thinking Allowed
Communism as a Religion - Cultural Capitalism
30 minutes on BBC Radio 4 FM
Available for over a year
Laurie Taylor discusses what is being called the re-Stalinisation of Russia on today's Thinking Allowed. Academic Michail Ryklin claims Putin's Russia is turning the clock back. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
The Medicalisation of Normality
Health journalist John Naish asks if we are turning normal human behaviour and normal stages in human development into medical conditions. Show more
Regional Variations (3)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Plus Weather.
Regional Variations (2)
Six o'Clock News
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by Weather.
Regional Variations (2)
Mark Steel's in Town
Comedian Mark Steel celebrates the East Sussex town's fires, pub fights and stroppiness. From April 2009. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
The Archers
It's April Fool's Day and the joke is on Kenton. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Front Row
Front Row
PJ Harvey and John Parish; V&A Baroque show; HBO's future.
30 minutes on BBC Radio 4 FM
Available for over a year
Presented by John Wilson. Includes PJ Harvey and John Parish on their new album; the V&A Baroque show reviewed and a discussion on cable channel HBO's future. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Daunt and Dervish
Another adventure for Guy Meredith's female private eyes, set in 1956. A trip to the Astoria dancehall turns out to be a little more exciting than the ladies had planned. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Decision Time
The BBC's Political Editor Nick Robinson shines a light on the process by which controversial decisions are reached behind closed doors in Whitehall. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Lent Talks
Frank Field MP reflects on a society that chooses to root its moral behaviour apart from God. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Debating Animals
Rod Liddle considers the otter and the mink - one a beloved emblem of rural Britain, the other a voracious, foreign invader. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Lively and diverse conversation with Libby Purves and guests. Show more
The latest weather forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
The World Tonight
With Robin Lustig. Including Sarkozy and Merkel side by side at the London summit, Obama and Medvedev start work on a nuclear treaty and New Yorkers say adieu to Roquefort. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Book at Bedtime: The EarthHums in B Flat
Joanna Page reads Mari Strachan's magical novel. Gwenni is interviewed by the detectives investigating Mr Evans' death and an arrest is made. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
My Teenage Diary
Rufus Hound invites comedians to revisit their formative years by dusting off their teenage diaries and reading them out in public for the very first time. With Richard Herring. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Bespoken Word
Broadcast in tribute to the late poet Adrian Mitchell who died in December 2008. One of the great performance poets, Mitchell was widely known as the 'Shadow Poet Laureate'. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Today in Parliament
News, views and features on today's stories in Parliament with Sean Curran.
Regional Variations (2)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
Regional Variations (2)
Book of the Week:The Old Boys' Network
Dr Rae becomes increasingly involved in the national debate on education, but it is inflation rather than politics that presents the sternest challenge. Show more
The latest shipping forecast.
Regional Variations (2)
as BBC World Service
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.