(Repeats are not indicated)
Open Science
12.30 Final Frontier
Exploring the new British Gemini North telescope on Hawaii, and science fiction and science fact with Arthur C Clarke.
12.45 Personal Passions
DJ, author and composer Mike Read on his abiding fascination for Rupert Brooke's life and poetry.
1.00 Earth, Life and Humanity
1.30 Background Brief: Our Biggest Smallest Threat?
Could a virus with the severity of HIV be transmitted as easily as flu?
1.45 What Have the Nineties Ever Done for Us?
the Mir space station and Biosphere 2.
2.00 Harvesting the Sun
How plants use sunlight to produce food, and the research that earned the Nobel Prize for chemistry.
2.30 Problems with Ions
How radioactive fallout from the nuclear accident at Chernobyl in 1986 was still affecting parts of Britain many years later.
3.00 Plants: Problems with Water
How plants manage to defy the laws of physics by transporting water against the pull of gravity.
Teenagers and Families
3.30 Being a Teenager 5
Continuing the series of programmes to help cope with teenagers.
4.00 Get By in German
Working in Hospitality
5.00 The Future
What does the future hold for the hospitality sector and its employees?
Open University
6.00 Listening in the Dark
Unravelling the biology of the herring, one of the most commercially important fish.
6.30 Flying in Birds an Experimental Approach
A simulated view of how birds fly.
Ends 7.00am.