With signing.
Heavy rainstorms cause a lonely widow, and her remote house, to be imperilled by a mud slide.
Animation about a daring boy's quest for Camelot. (Rpt) (Stereo) (Subtitled)
Shown yesterday at 5.10pm on BBC1.
Parliamentary news.
Today, the bus stops at the Playground Stop and the gang takes a ride in a steam train. (Stereo)
10.25 Come Outside: A Letter
(ages 4-5) (Stereo)
10.45 Teaching Today: Primary Science
11.15 Le Club: Il Fait Chaud
(ages 9-12)
11.30 Teaching Today: Art Classics
With signing and subtitles.
(Shown Sunday at 10.00am on BBC1) (Stereo)
Business news.
1.00 Teaching Today: Hands Up for Deaf Children
1.30 Showcase: RE and Collective Worship
1.40 Thunderbirds in Hindi: The Perils of Penelope: Part 10
1.45 You and Me: Recycle It!
(ages 3-5)
The Family Ness
Adventures with the family of monsters. (Rpt)
2.05 Christopher Crocodile
Animation. While Christopher is out walking with his umbrella, a strong wind blows him away.
Live coverage in full of Chancellor Kenneth Clarke's Budget speech to the House of Commons. In what may be the last Budget before the next general election, attention will be focused on the Government's tax plans and how the Chancellor reconciles calls for tax cuts, to attract disenchanted Tory voters, with pressure to maintain public spending.
David Dimbleby introduces coverage of the speech, with Newsnight's Peter Snow in the studio to work out the financial implications of the announcements as they're made, BBC Political Editor Robin Oakley in and around Westminster to report the reactions of MPs of all parties, and BBC Economics and Business Editor Peter Jay analysing the speech from the point of view of the City and industry.
It's Geoffrey the butler's birthday, and the Banks family decides to wait on him for the day.
Rivers runs the risk of being caught when he hides his father, who has just escaped from jail. Karen stays with Con and soon upsets the entire family.
A series in which celebrities discuss fictional teenage dilemmas. Presented by Lisa I' Anson, with guests Clare Buckfield (from 2 Point 4 Children) and British Grand Prix winner Johnny Herbert. This week, Emily's comments about her friend's weight problem seem to have triggered the onset of bulimia.
And John faces a difficult choice when his brother's attractive girlfriend announces that she would rather be going out with him.
The series made by disabled people about disabled people.
Write to: viewers can contact the programme at: From the Edge, [address removed]
After a short break, matters digestible are back on the table. Including, this week,
England rugby union star
Victor Ubogu , who joins Jilly Goolden and Oz Clarke with a selection of his favourite wines. With Chris Kelly and Michael Barry. See today's choices.
Director Linda Nash : Series producer Tim Hincks
* Countdown to Christmas - See
Michael Barry : page 44
See Jilly Goolden : page 47
The final documentary in the series is a celebration of the experiences of a group of people who worked for the
French Resistance in the Second World War, and their courage in the face of fear - a powerful reminder of how ordinary people can be transformed by the extraordinary events of war. Narrated by Zoe Wanamaker.
(Stereo) (Subtitled)
Barbara Castle revisits Kelmscott Manor in Gloucestershire, the former home of 19th-century artist William Morris.
A Budget statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kenneth Clarke.
(Shown at 9.30pm on BBC1 and 10.40pm on ITV)
With Jeremy Paxman.
Can black and Asian people feel confident that they will receive a fair trial in Britain? With some lawyers now calling for ethnically balanced juries, Johnnie Cochran, the black American lawyer who defended OJ Simpson, joins a discussion in this Public Eye special with leading figures from the law, the police and the black community.
Followed by Weatherview
Political Chat Show.
Open University
12.35 Renewable Energies
1.30 Resources, Environment and Politics
Nightschool TV
2.00 Teaching Today
BBC Focus
4.00 NCET TV: Teaching and Learning with IT
4.30 Portables in Action (Rpt)
5.00 Italia
5.30 Film Education
Technology Season
6.00 The Works: Waiting to Work
6.20 The Works: Slippery When Wet
6.40 The Works: Beating the Bounce