With signing.
James Cameron visits his native Rpt Dundee.
Today: washing a Victorian baby's shaw1. With John
9.05 Artshow
9.25 Mathsphere
9.45 You and Me
An SFTV production for BBCtv
10.00 Movable Feasts: Shop Till You Drop
10.15 Look and Read
10.35 Q and A
10.45 Mathscope
11.00 Watch: Children in History
11.15 Thunderbirds in French
11.20 English Express: Campaigning
11 40 The French Collection
12.05 History File: Expansion, Trade and Industry
12.25 Lifeschool: H Is for HIV
12.50 Teaching Today: Teaching reading
1.20-1.40 Children's BBC
with Chris Jarvis (Stereo)
1.20 The Brollys
1.35 Crystal Tipps and Alistair
1.40 Health E
2.00 News (Subtitled) and Weather; followed by You and Me
Note: repeats are not indicated.
A look at the harpsichord.
With signing and subtitles.
Subtitled (news)
Followed by The Last Place on Earth
How the monks who live in the Tibetan monastery of Karsha are expanding their psychic horizons.
Regional News; Weather
Word game. Stereo
A series looking at the most notorious criminals of the century. On St Valentine's Day 1929 Al "Scarface"
Capone ordered the brutal massacre of six gangsters. Narrated by Robert Powell.
Quiz with Martyn Lewis.
War drama starring Dirk Bogarde
Denholm Elliott
Lieutenant Graham leads an elite group of commandos on a mission to Rhodes. Their plan is to blow up two airfields on the heavily fortified island.
Director Lewis Milestone (1953)
FILM REVIEWS pages 47-51
A User's Report
"People don't realise school isn't just about academic education; it's about life." So says Louise, 17, from
Manchester one of the seven young people brought together to establish what schools have really done for them. Now, for the first time school "users" are given a platform to speak out and prioritise the major problems in education from their point of view. Producer Thecia Schreuders
A Double Exposure production for BBCtv
This week a traditional and delicious way to cook venison, pheasant and other game; a look at German wines; a consumer test of cake tins; and Antonio Carluccio begins a gastronomic tour of southern Italy in Campagna where he cooks a folded pizza for a religious festival. With Chris Kelly , Michael Barry , Jill Goolden and Oz Clarke.
Studiodirector Linda Nash
Producers Alison Field and Tim Hincks A Bazal production for BBCtv
RECIPES: are available in BBC Good Food Magazine and on Ceefax page 686.
Continuing the futuristic drama series, starring James Belushi
Dana Delany
Angie Dickinson
Harry plunges deeper into the nightmare as he learns more about the "Friends" and the "Fathers". Meanwhile, Grace falls deeper into depression as she faces the horrific truth about her son Coty and the sinister involvement of her mother Josie.
Shattered Dream
For ten years, Simon Beaufoy 's cameras recorded the troubled life of Edwin Drummond , a British rock climber who turned his hobby to political ends. As a "protest climber", Drummond would ascend any public height from Nelson's Column to the Eiger in order to promote his slogan of world peace, "one world, one family".
But while Drummond pursued his dream, his wife Lia struggled to bring up two children on a small and undependable income. In time, she gave Drummond a stark choice: save the world or save your own family.
As the years roll along,
Beaufoy's film shows
Drummond's ideals withering in the harsh light of family necessity, and his dream of "one family" degenerating into a bitter struggle for custody of the children. Series editor Paul Watson
Followed by Sarajevo - a Street under Siege
With Sue Cameron.
With Melvyn Bragg.
Drama in BBC2's Festival! season.
Lack of a work permit doesn't stop Shezad dreaming of opening a restaurant.
In German with English subtitles.
(1987) B/W
Film Reviews pages 47-51
Four more Language File programmes.