Today's story is 'The Moon in the Puddle' by John Eyers
with Peter Woods reporting the world tonight with the BBC's reporters and correspondents at home and abroad
One of the great advantages of silver goblets is that you can go on dropping them and in 50 years still have a set intact.
Christopher Lawrence is the only silversmith to have been awarded the title 'Craftsman of the Year': he has received this honour three times. He brings a feeling for modern design to a craft rooted in medieval techniques.
Because of silver's great intrinsic value, his work is sought after both for its investment value and its artistic interest.
Money-the force behind so many of our actions: loving and hating, hiring and firing, living and starving, or just piling it up. The people, the stories, and the action behind the one commodity no one can do without - money.
Together with the Money-Minder - a regular feature with up-to-the-minute news of the Stock Market: the rise and fall of shares, the bulls and the bears. What is it all about?
A weekly look at the investment world.
John Seymour, writer and traveller, finds on the shores of the Irish Sea a community where the past still lingers so that even New Year's Day comes a fortnight late.
It is a civilised place to live, but how long can it remain so?
Starring Dave Allen
with Jacqueline Clarke, Ronnie Brody, Ian Burford, Michael Sharvell-Martin and Chris Serle
Featuring Trees, Graham Bond plus tracks from the best of the new single and LP releases.
The second of three films directed by Rene Clair
Starring Max Dearly, Renee Saint-Cyr, Marthe Mellot
Made during Hitler's rise to power and released just after the assassination of the King of Yugoslavia, Clair's incisive and hard-hitting satire on high finance and dictatorship, set in the mythical state of Casinario, where Ministers (above) try to persuade Banco to invest. Even today many people can describe in detail the famous barter sequences.
(This Week's Films: page 9)