A programme for children at home.
Today's story is called 'The Outside Cat'
by June Thayer.
Illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky.
(to 11.20)
A monthly series of programmes for doctors.
(Repeated next Wednesday evening, February 7, on BBC-1)
(to 13.45)
Written by Michel Faure and Joe Cremona.
For absolute beginners in French.
With Francois Brincourt, Malou Pantera, Andre Maranne, Pamela Stirling
(Repeated: Saturday, 10.30 a.m. BBC-1)
The World Tonight
Reporting: John Timpson, Peter Woods
with Martin Bell, Michael Blakey, Michael Clayton, Tom Mangold, Brian Saxton, David Tindall, Richard Whitmore and the correspondents, at home and abroad, of BBC News.
Horzion - man and science today.
"American surgery I think has a leadership position only because we have been able to do experimental work on animals. English surgery unfortunately is so handicapped that they essentially depend on developments that are made in this country." (Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz, Maimonides Hospital, New York)
"We've had experience in transplanting hearts in dogs, and we think our chances of success are good." (Dr. Christiaan Barnard, Groote Schuur Hospital)
Each year in Britain thousands of strays are destroyed - yet medical research is desperately short of experimental animals. Some American doctors argue that our research is held back by a lack of suitable animals. Is this true? How necessary is vivisection? Is it cruel? Could research still be done without the laboratory animal?
Horizon reports tonight from America and Britain on the anti-vivisection lobby and the medical research that many argue would be impossible without the use of 'man's best friends'.
A contest between teams from:
Bournemouth - Eric Knight, Molly Harding, John Wallace
Swansea - Lionel Beveridge, June Thomas, Owen Rees
Introduced by Derek Hart.
Achievement... Happiness... Tragedy... Stress...
A weekly programme which focuses on people and the situations which shape their lives.
Reporters: Jim Douglas Henry, Angela Huth, Jeremy James, John Percival, Trevor Philpott, Desmond Wilcox, Harold Williamson
A Belgian film with English sub-titles.
Starring Marie-France Boyer, Bernard Fresson
A young man's attempt to set up a business on his own is thwarted by crooks, financiers, and bureaucracy.
A last look around the daily scene with Michael Dean, Joan Bakewell, Tony Bilbow, Brian King and Sheridan Morley.
"Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show, played in a box" (Omar Khayyam)