[Starring Dickie Henderson]
with Special guest artists, Adele Leigh, Hutch (Leslie A. Hutchinson)
The world-famous jugglers The Peiro Brothers
and the fabulous Clark Brothers
with Len Lowe, Leslie Noyes, Georgina Moon, John Mulgrew, Bruce Wells, The Malcolm Goddard Dancers and Showgirls, The Fred Tomlinson Singers
See page 4
A class of sailing boat and a name that spells adventure and thrills afloat.
"I had to be ruthless in order to be free..."
Alan Whicker is concerned by The Stresses of Divorce
Why does the pressure on people in the public eye so often break up their marriages? Five divorces revolve round these two women: Elizabeth Jane Howard, novelist, and Sandra Paul, international cover-girl, Peter Scott, David Wynne-Morgan, and Robin Douglas-Home, three of the eight characters on a matrimonial marry-go-round, reveal the emotions surrounding their marriages and re-marriages, and the effect of divorce upon their lives.
Do people have the right to part, to consider only their own happiness? What of those left behind alone?
A thriller in six parts by Arden Winch.
Starring Michael Bryant, Rosalie Crutchley, Richard Hurndall, Joseph O'Conor
Sparrow of M.I.7, hearing James's cover is blown, quietly orders him certified insane. De Lacelle is waiting at James's home to confront him with the true aims of the I.S.C. world domination.
(Repeated on Friday at 9.5 p.m.)
A late look around the world of television.
Criticism, Discussion, Diversion
Starring Gilbert Roland, Millard Mitchell, John Beal
The arrival of a psychologist in an American prison for an experimental period is viewed with great suspicion by the prisoners.