for the deaf and hard of hearing
A look at the news of the week with film from all over the world and a commentary that can be seen as well as heard.
Four programmes exploring the mysterious second life each of us lives in sleep.
Is there any point in taking notice of dreams? Have they any meaning at all? It seems that most people would like them to have, and that the age-old search for their meaning and value goes on, only intensified by new approaches to understanding.
Introduced and devised by Norman MacKenzie from his book Dreams and Dreaming. the animal world
A fortnightly programme introduced this week by Dr. John Napier.
The Earth Shall Quake Before Them
Locust plagues affect vast areas of the world. The Anti-Locust Research Centre involves original research in biogeography, climatology, and ecology. Their techniques and successes are described by Dr. Peter Haskell, Director and John Moorhouse and Sir Boris Uvarov, F.R.S. formerly Director of the Anti-Locust Research Centre.
Return to Bikini
The last atomic bomb was exploded on this Pacific island eight years ago. A film report indicates how life has returned.
The Living Mountain
Alpine sport enthusiasts rarely see the indigenous creatures of this region. A French film features chamois, marmots, and ibex.
From the West
by Aleksei Arbuzov.
Translated by Ariadne Nicolaeff.
With Clifford Evans as Dor, Michael Goodliffe as Petrovykh, Sheila Allen as Anna,
Dudley Foster as Kirill, Walter Brown as Svidersky, Thelma Ruby as Ivette, William Holmes as Bezenchuk, Elizabeth Wallace as Yanina, Mark Jones as Ivan, Hannah Gordon as Katya, Michael Wennink as Seryozhka, John Barrard as Nolik, Blaise Wyndham as Ryabov
(Mark Jones is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company)
See page 14
Stay up a little longer with Denis Tuohy, Joan Bakewell, Michael Dean and whoever else turns up.