A programme for children under 5
Story "The Cake" by Wilma Horsbrugh
(Shown at 11.0 am on BBC2)
With Gordon Gostelow
Starring Mike Hope and Albie Keen
with Peter Goodwright as Crumble, Ruth Kettlewell as Mrs Grapple
and special guests The Skating Fontaines
Mike persuades the Crazy House inmates to perform his version of 'The Saga of Robin Hood.'
Chingachook sets out with his white friend, the Lone Hunter, on a dangerous quest in Huron.
With Gojko Mitic, Rolf Romer, Lilo Grahn, Helmut Schreiber, Jurgen Frohriep, Andrea Drahota, Horst Preusker, Karl Zugowski
A cartoon series.
followed by Regional Weather
(London only: Nationwide in Colour)
Kamel Khalfallah of Dar Chabane in Tunisia and Keith Powell of Rawmarsh in Yorkshire, look at life in each others' homes.
A BBC/RTT co-production
A live spectacular from the English Channel where tonight Britain's most powerful warship the 43,000-ton aircraft carrier Ark Royal leads a flotilla of the Western Fleet.
Raymond Baxter reports.
The ships: aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal; frigates HMS Galatea, Euryalus; submarine HMS Sealion; Royal Fleet auxiliaries Olmeda, Regent. The aircraft: fixed wing Phantoms, Buccaneers, Gannets; helicopters Sea King, Wessex, Wasp; and one of the first Harriers to use an aircraft carrier.
('The greatest flying club': pages 46-48)
Robert Robinson takes a look at July 1952 - a sporting month.
Little Mo won the Ladies' Singles at Wimbledon, Emil Zatopek won the Olympic 10,000 metres at Helsinki, the krm broke down again at Silverstone and the United States took away the Blue Riband from the Queen Mary.
Presented by Kenneth Kendall with the BBC's reporters and correspondents around the world
A Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Conservative and Unionist Party
(Also on BBC2)
Presented all this week by Ludovic Kennedy with the latest news in pictures and with on-the-spot reports
(all except London and Wales)