Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha an treubh a’ sireadh àite-cadail gus am faigh iad air norrag a ghabhail. The farmyard bunch are looking for a suitable place to have a nap. Show more
'S fìor thoi leis na Clangairean a bhith cluich gheamaichean. The Clangers love to play games. Show more
Tha aig AH-AH is MàcÌomhair ri cèic a dhìon ’son Lusach – ach chan eil e soirbh! AH-AH and MacÌomhair have to protect a cake for Lusach, but it’s not easy! Show more
Tha deagh ghuth pioraid aig Mgr. Pìc an-diugh. Mgr Pìc has a good pirate voice today. Show more
It is a rainy day today. Granny has said that Rita and Crocodile must stay indoors. Rita is not at all happy about this. Show more
Siobhan NicAonghais a’ leughadh Bilidh agus an Dràgon.
Siobhan MacInnes reads Bilidh agus an Dràgon. Show more
Tha Belle is Sebastian ’g ionnsachadh mun Sgòrr gun Ainm an-diugh. Belle and Sebastian learn about the Nameless Peak today. Show more
Tha Daniel a’ farpais an aghaidh preasantairean CBBC ALBA ach saoil cò shoirbhicheas? Daniel competes against the CBBC ALBA presenters but who will emerge victorious? Show more
Tha na Gumbalan gan dinneadh fhèin a-mach ‘s a-steach à àitichean cumhang an-diugh. The Gumbles are squeezing themselves in and out of tiny spaces today. Show more
Tha Madame Castafiore a' toirt piorraid dhan Chaiptean, mar thìodhlaic. Madame Castafiore presents the Captain with a parrot as a gift. Show more
Gregor heads to Inverness to see how to make a zesty clementine sponge that uses poppy seeds to add colour and crunch. Show more
Singer and Gaelic teacher Margaret Macleod Nicholson is Joy’s studio guest, and Calum Maclean visits Scotland’s newest city and once ancient capital, Dunfermline. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
The story behind one of Runrig’s best known tracks, 'The Cutter'. Seonaidh Morrison, from the Isle of North Uist, is reunited with the songwriters who celebrated him in words. Show more
Derek "Pluto" Murray hosts a fun knockout amateur DIY competition where couples go head to head. Derek "Pluto" Moireach le farpais spòrsail DIY. Show more
Tha Seumas MacLetchie a’ sgrùdadh mar a tha cultar a’ ghille air atharrachadh. Seumas examines how the ghilleing culture has changed. Show more
Tha Màiri is Ceitidh a’ faireachdainn aonranach ‘s iad a’ strì leis na thachair. Màiri and Ceitidh both feel isolated as they come to terms with what happened. Show more
Documentary examining the case of William Brodie, executed in 1889 after being found guilty of some of the most daring robberies ever to be carried out in Edinburgh. Show more
Coinneach Rankin tackles an iconic sea stack in the north-west of Scotland. Feuchaidh Coinneach MacFhraing air stac-mara ainmeil ann an iar-thuath na h-Alba. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.