Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha aig AH-AH is MàcÌomhair ri cèic a dhìon ’son Lusach – ach chan eil e soirbh! AH-AH and MacÌomhair have to protect a cake for Lusach, but it’s not easy! Show more
Tha an treubh a’ sireadh àite-cadail gus am faigh iad air norrag a ghabhail. The farmyard bunch are looking for a suitable place to have a nap. Show more
'S fìor thoi leis na Clangairean a bhith cluich gheamaichean. The Clangers love to play games. Show more
Célestine is preparing drawings for Mandarine's birthday but doesn't have anymore paint. Show more
Owl invites Brush over for a fancy lunch, but nervously wonders how he can live up to Brush’s high expectations. Show more
A look at Ziggy the Burchell zebra as he learns about life on the African savannah. Will he survive, earn his stripes and be promoted to a leader? Show more
Tha Belle is Sebastian ’g ionnsachadh mun Sgòrr gun Ainm an-diugh. Belle and Sebastian learn about the Nameless Peak today. Show more
Tha Ehrinn a’ farpais an aghaidh preasantairean CBBC ALBA ach saoil cò shoirbhicheas? Ehrinn competes against the CBBC ALBA presenters, but who will emerge victorious? Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Wallace 's Gromit
Mallachd an Fhir-rabaide/The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
1 hour, 16 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for 7 months
Tha Gromit a' tighinn an aghaidh strì uabhasach 's Wallace a' faireachdainn 'curran' neònach às dèidh deuchainn-saidheans. Wallace and Gromit's pest control business is called into action. Show more
This episode features performances from the acclaimed band Dàimh, recorded at the Trad Awards 2021. Show more
Coinneach Rankin sets out on a multi-day expedition to learn why the Cairngorms are a paradise for climbers, runners and so many others. Show more
Donald Morrison's archive reflections, including an interview with Murdo Morrison from Tong in Lewis who was celebrating his 100th birthday. Show more
Heather Dewar visits Edinburgh where she draws a colour portrait of Iagan MacNeil. Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir an Dùn Èideann a’dèanamh dealbh dathte de dh’Iagan MacNèill. Show more
Opry le Daniel. Leis an teaghlach Kirwan. Air aithris le Anna Nic na Ceàrdaich. Featuring the Kirwan family and narrated by Anne Sinclair. Show more
An còmhlan Dallahan a’ seinn Jail Song aig an fhèis Celtic Connections 2020. Dallahan sing Jail Song, a traditional song with additional contemporary lyrics.
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Documentary telling the remarkable story of Dundee United's 1987 European adventure to reach the UEFA Cup final, a feat that many believed impossible. Show more
It doesn’t take long for newcomers to form an alliance that ushers the gang into a new era. Cha b' fhada gus an do dh'fhàs càirdeas eatorra a bheireadh latha ùr dhan phrasgan. Show more
Fraochy Bay's annual talent contest is underway to sporadic and varied applause. All goes reasonably badly until Ina's dog meets the Flea Circus stars. Show more
Na Trads: An Dara Teud. Le Màiri Anna NicUalraig agus Alistair Heather. Highlights from the Trad Awards. With Mary Ann Kennedy and Alistair Heather. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.