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Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Oidhche Mhath

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 2 months

Tha an teàghlach Pìc a' toirt fàilte bhlàth chun an sù do dh’ ullaid an-diugh. The Pìc family give a warm welcome to a barn owl at the zoo. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Sìth-fhiacail nan Ailbhean

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 2 months

Tha Seumas air a dhòigh glan oir tha an t-Sìth-fhiacaill air tadhal air. Seumas is delighted as the Tooth Fairy has visited him. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Liosta Mhgr Pìc

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 2 months

Airson òrdugh a chumail, ‘s toil le Mgr. Pìc a bhith a' cumail liosta! So as to be organised, Mgr Pìc loves to keep a list! Show more


Violet/Dtr. Sù/Wendy:
Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Loilidhean Deighe ro Bhlasta

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 2 months

Tha dearbh fheum air rèoiteagan an-diugh oir tha e fìor bhlàth aig Sù Pìc. There’s a great need for ice pops today as it is a very hot day at the zoo. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Sù nan Curaidhean

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 2 months

Tha Seumas ag iarraidh teist ùr a stèidheachadh aig Sù Pìc. Seumas wants to break some new records at Sù Pìc. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1


Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 1 month

Tha Mgr Pìc air bhioran ‘s e dol a shealltainn an dachaigh ùr do na goiriolathan. Mgr Pìc is thrilled to be showing the gorillas to their new home. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Pìcean ri Sgèith

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 5 weeks

Tha là nan cliop a’ gabhail àit’ aig an t-sù an-diugh! It’s haircut day at the zoo today! Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Episode 19

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 25 days

Tha deagh ghuth pioraid aig Mgr. Pìc an-diugh. Mgr Pìc has a good pirate voice today. Show more


Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Caismeachd Chinn-fhinn Violette

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 18 days

Tha na cinn-fhinn aig Violette ri caismeachd mun cuairt ‘s mun cuairt an-diugh. Violette’s penguins are marching around and around today. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

H-uile Sian ris a’ Mhionaid

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 11 days

Bhiodh clàr-ama feumail airson rian a chumail an-diugh. A timetable would be very helpful to keep order today. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1


Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 2 days

Ciamar a gheibh Mgr. Pìc air innse dhaibh dè tha ri dhèanamh ‘s e air a ghuth a chall? How will Mgr Pìc manage to pass on instructions when he has lost his voice? Show more


Violet/Dtr. Sù:
Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed

Duration: 29 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBA HDLatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 5 months

Tha Sìne mì-thoilichte mu bhith fuireach còmhla ri Granaidh ach tha sin ag atharrachadh! Sìne is unhappy about staying with Granny, but that soon changes!
Show more


Granaidh Onion/Teacher:
Kathleen MacInnes
Ishi MacLean
Little Girl/Sonia:
Ceitlin Lilidh
May Smart

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Each-aibhne Sona

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 3 months

Tha a h-uile duine nam boil oir tha am Mèar dol a thadhal air Sù Pìc. Everybody is busy today, preparing for the mayor’s visit. Show more


Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Dùdach Rùchdach

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 9 days

Tha Mgr. Pìc airson ‘s gun cluich Bhatair, an leòmhann-mara, na dùdan. Mgr Pìc wants Bhatair, the sea lion, to play the horns. Show more

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Beuc an Leòmhainn

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

An-diugh, tha aig an Teàghlach Pìc ri togail-inntinn a thoirt do Mhgr. Wiskerwitz, an leòmhann. The Pìc family have to lift the spirits of Mgr Wiskerwitz, the lion. Show more


Mgr. Pìc/Visitor:
Niall Iain MacDonald
Fiona MacKenzie
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed

Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

A’ Dèanamh Làraich

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 16 days

Tha na cinn-fhionn’ rim biadhadh mus tèid na seòid a spèileadh. The penguins need to be fed before the guys can go skating.
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Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Ceud 'Tanca' Dhut

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

When the aquarium at Sù Pìc springs a leak, Seumas, Violet and Mgr Pìc must find a solution so as to save the poor fish. Show more


Mgr. Pìc/Man 1/ Man 2/Crowd:
Niall Iain MacDonald
Fiona MacKenzie
Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed

Cuirm @ Celtic


Bard Mhealboist

Duration: 29 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Òrain Mhurchaidh MhicPhàrlain, Bàrd Mhealaboist, bho Fèis Celtic Connections 2021. The songs of Melbost bard, Murdo MacFarlane, recorded at Celtic Connections 2021. Show more


Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Alasdair MacCuish
Iain Macleod
Executive Producer:
Margaret Cameron


Su Pic (Peek Zoo)

Series 1

Latha Craibt’ nan Càmhal

Duration: 7 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 23 days

Tha na càmhail ann an droch thriom agus tha feum air taic bhon Dotair Sue. The camels are in a bad mood today and Dr Sue’s help is needed. Show more


Violet/Dtr. Sù/Wendy:
Ceitlin Lilidh
Executive Producer:
Bill Macleòid
May Smart
Mairi Macleod
Phil Reed