Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Gudrun agus Olaf a’ feuchainn ri luch anns an stòr ghràn a dhìon bho chat. Gudrun and Olaf race to rescue a mouse in the grain store from the cook’s cat Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 19: Pàdraig Post agus na Spuirean Geàrrte
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha spuirean fada Micawber nan trioblaid. Micawber's claws need to be clipped - but how will the vet reach the lighthouse to help? Show more
Tha faoileag a dèanamh mèirle a tha ag adhbharachadh trioblaidean don tachartas aig Shane. A sneaky seagull causes a catastrophe for Shane’s latest event. Show more
It's another play-filled day today for the Abadas and they're delighted when Ben wants to join in and play the word game. What will the word be? Show more
Tha là nan cliop a’ gabhail àit’ aig an t-sù an-diugh! It’s haircut day at the zoo today! Show more
Sarah Cruickshank a’ leughadh Meesha a’ dèanamh Charaidean. Sarah Cruickshank reads Meesha a’ dèanamh Charaidean. Show more
Ian, the Danger Fan, traps Danger Mouse and Jeopardy in an interactive board game. Show more
Thèid a' chuibhl' mun cuairt! The wheels will turn!
Tha fuasgladh aig Sgallan - aon bhuidheann mòr de mhèirlich a stèidheachadh. Sgallan has a plan - to form one large band of robbers. Show more
Tha an fharpais a’ teasachadh gu mòr nuair a tha urchaireachd chalman ri chluich. The competition is heating up when there’s clay pigeon shooting to be played. Show more
Bobbie Jock, who had previously broken all his bones because of Charlie, returns to take revenge, now as a very strong robot. Show more
Sweeny reflects on how year two on the croft has gone. It's been another busy one that's seen him diversify. Show more
De a th'ann am facal? Cha bheag sin, mar a tha Eilidh NicLeòid a' cluinntinn. Eilidh MacLeod explores the richness and diversity of the Gaelic language. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Murdo Macdonald explores the splendour and history of Scone Palace Gardens. Murchadh Dòmhnallach a-measg eachdraidh is greadhnas gàrraidhean Lùchairt Sgàin. Show more
At Highland Wildlife Park, Judith has to check the Amur tiger’s enclosure before she can let Dominika out for her breakfast. Show more
Prògram ciùil còmhla ri Tide Lines, air a chlàradh gu sònraichte aig SWG3 ann an Glaschu. Music show featuring Tide Lines in a specially recorded performance in Glasgow’s SWG3. Show more
Slighean Sgoile an t-Saoghail/Most Dangerous Ways to School
Series 1
Slighe sgoile Colombia /Ways to school in Colombia
48 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
In northern Colombia, children face a rough, unpredictable wilderness to reach school. Some of them must cross a ramshackle bridge that could collapse at any moment. Show more
Tha Calum a’ gabhail cuairt anns a’ Chomraich airson dealbh sònraichte a lorg. Calum Maclean is in Applecross, Wester Ross, in search of a special photo. Show more
Profile of Calum Macleod, one of Scotland’s last traditional blacksmiths. Calum ‘Steallag’ MacLeòid, nach maireann, fear de na gobhaichean traidiseanta mu dheireadh ann an Alba. Show more
Fiolm goirid le Kate Dickie, a' togail air òran ainmeil Sheonag NicCoinnich, 'A Nighean Nan Geug'. Dramatic retelling of Joan Mackenzie's evocative song 'Girl of the Branches'. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.