Saoil an e dannsa claidheamh a tha romhainn? Is this going to be a sword dance?
Tha coigrich a’ tadhal! The aliens are here!
Tha seo a' coimhead innleachdach! This looks inventive!
Saoil a bheil ulaidh san làmpa seo? Is there treasure inside this lamp?
An dòchas nach tèid iad cas mu sheach! I hope they don’t fall over!
2 minutes
Na rach ro fhaisg air a chleasaire-sa! Don’t go too close to this performer!
Cha do dhùin doras nach do dh'fhosgail doras. When one door closes, another door opens!
Bhiodh sùil gheur is deagh amas math an-seo. Good vision and aim would help here.
Thèid a' chuibhl' mun cuairt! The wheels will turn!
Tha am pathadh air na balaich an-diugh! The boys are thirsty today!
Tha 'ad uile air bhioran an-diugh! They’re all on tenterhooks today!
Bheil gaisgeach treun ri fhaotainn an-seo? Is there a brave hero to be found here?
An e taisbeanadh daibhigidh a th’ againn an-diugh? Is it a diving show we’re going to see today?
Chan eil coltas àlainn air a chaisteal seo! This castle doesn’t seem very delightful!
Chan e Mòd na bliadhna-sa a tha seo, an e? This isn’t this year’s Mod, is it?
Cleasan fànais romhpa an-diugh! There are extra-terrestrial activities today!
Tha làn-smachd aca air a’ bhall an-diugh! They have full control of the ball today!
Tha sgeingeadh nam beachd an-diugh! There’s a lot of bouncing going on today!
Tha suidheachadh ràpach an-seo? This rap business is very noisy!
An e seo ceòl binn an t-samhraidh? Is this sweet summer music?