Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Muireall is Goraidh a' tuiteam a-mach – is tha an treubh airson 's gum bi iad rèidh. Muireall and Goraidh fall out – the farmyard gang want them to be friends. Show more
Tha na cinn-fhionn’ rim biadhadh mus tèid na seòid a spèileadh. The penguins need to be fed before the guys can go skating.
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Tha AH-AH is MacÌomhair aig an dotair ach tha AH-AH uile-chinnteach nach eil e bochd. AH-AH and MacÌomhair are at the doctor, but AH-AH is convinced that he’s fine. Show more
Tha Posy airson pàrtaidh ullachadh ‘son Pip ach feumaidh e uile a bhith foirfe! Posy is organising a party for Pip, but it has to all be perfect! Show more
Tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mun charrachan agus an dòigh-beatha aige an-diugh. We learn about the frogfish and his way of life today. Show more
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn craobhan. Kit and Pup investigate the world of plants and materials - today it’s trees. Show more
Eilidh NicCarmaig a’ leughadh Famh agus Èirigh-na-grèine. Eilidh Cormack reads Famh agus Èirigh-na-grèine. Show more
Mr Papardelli, the speaking potato to whom Matilda gave life, returns along with his family to visit Paper Port. Show more
Tha Choirstaidh a’ dèanamh glainne dhathte anns A’ Chùil. Choirstaidh makes some stained glass. Show more
Tha na càraidean ceòlmhor an-diugh ach chan eil an seinn a' còrdadh ri Troig. The twins are melodious today, but Troig isn’t complimentary about their singing. Show more
Tha làn-smachd aca air a’ bhall an-diugh! They have full control of the ball today!
Tha na mèirlich ri teicheadh air trèan 's air itealan ach cha ghèill Tintin idir. The crooks escape by train and plane but Tintin doesn't give up the chase. Show more
The first calf sale of the year is held in Portree, Fiona competes at a power-lifting event and students visit an interesting croft in Staffin. Show more
Daniel Lennon chats to Joy in the studio about his sporting pastimes and Calum Maclean is in South Uist trying out a new sport in an historic landscape. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Roghainn bho oidhche mhòr duaisean Na Trads 2022. A nochd ceòl bho Mischa MacPherson agus caraidean. Highlights from the Trad Awards with music from Mischa Macpherson and friends. Show more
Summer has arrived and Peter finally gets to work on his front garden. Tha’n samhradh air tighinn is tha Pàdruig a’sealltainn ri gàrradh aghaidh an taighe. Show more
Togalaichean A-List ann an Leòdhas agus na Hearadh.
Jayne MacLeod takes us on a tour of the eight A-Listed buildings in Lewis and Harris. Show more
Sgeulachd Margaret Fay Shaw air innse tro na dealbhan, na filmichean is na clàraidhean aice fhèin. The story of celebrated photographer and folklorist Margaret Fay Shaw. Show more
Two sons of the Hebrides revealed – one a Tory MP and one a Soviet spy. Dithis le dàimh dha na h-eileanan, ballpàrlamaid Tòraidheach is brathadair Sòibheideach Show more
A look at the lives of some of Glasgow's young generation of Gaels. Sùil air beatha ginealach òg nan Gàidheal ann an Glaschu Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.