Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha trealaichean pearsanta Chailein a’ dol air chall – ach cò tha falbh leotha? Cailean’s personal belongings keep disappearing, but who is taking them? Show more
Tha Dùd Beag bho Phlanaid nan Dùd caillte an-diugh. Little Dùd from Planet Dùd is lost today. Show more
Tha AH-AH farmadach an-diugh oir tha e den bheachd nach eil ùine aig MacÌomhair air a shon. AH-AH is jealous today as he thinks MacÌomhair has no time for him. Show more
Tha Seumas air a dhòigh glan oir tha an t-Sìth-fhiacaill air tadhal air. Seumas is delighted as the Tooth Fairy has visited him. Show more
Rita knows lots about birds. Out of all the birds in the world, Rita thinks that pigeons are the best. Show more
Michael Hill reads Tha Gaol aig Cù air Leabhraichean, written and llustrated by Louise Yates and translated into Gaelic by Jo Macdonald. Show more
Tha reifreann a’ tachairt 's tha Sebastian airson 's gun bhòt a h-uile duine le Belle. There’s a referendum taking place and Sebastian wants everyone to vote with Belle. Show more
The CBBC ALBA team visit Pollok Park to find out about witchcraft allegations made in the 17th century. Show more
Tha na Gumbalan ri rùrach airson annasan an-diugh 's chan eil càil ann 's fheàrr leotha. The Gumbals are rummaging for trinkets today and there’s nothing they enjoy more. Show more
Tha Tintin 'son faighinn a-mach carson a tha na spreadhaidhean connaidh a' tachairt. Tintin wants to find out why these fuel explosions are taking place. Show more
Anne Lundon takes to the road for a journey along Ireland’s spectacular Wild Atlantic Way. Tha Anne Lundon a gabhail a stiuir airson Slighe iongantach a Chosta an Iar na h-Eireann. Show more
The studio guest is chaplain Suzie Roberts, and Calum Maclean is in Rogart, Sutherland, seeking some relief from a sore shoulder. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
The Tiree Wave Classic is held on the island, we visit the island of Lunga with Frazer and Donnie and take a trip to Skerryvore, the tallest lighthouse in the UK. Show more
Sgoil Ealain Ghlaschu – cùis-mhulaid nàiseanta nach gabh a chreidsinn. Glasgow School of Art - an extraordinary national tragedy. Show more
Tha oidhche mhòr aig Màiri aig cuirm nan cearc aice le seann charaid a’ nochdadh. Màiri’s hen do leads to a night full of surprises with the return of an old friend. Show more
The bizarre tale of Edward Pritchard, who was hanged in 1865 for two murders and is thought to have committed at least one more. Show more
Featuring sharp words between mother and daughter-in-law, a new guy at work discovers what makes the office tick, and it’s eyes down for a coveted prize at the bingo. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.