Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
When Fox mentions that Hare is his best friend, Owl decides that he needs a best friend, too. Show more
Nuair a tha Pip a’ sealltainn dha Posy gu bheil e math air spèileadh, chan eil i toilichte. When Pip shows Posy how good he is at roller skating, she’s not happy. Show more
Suzy is coming to visit today. Rita and Suzy are best friends and have known each other for a long time. Show more
Ernest's grandmother, Baboutchinka, has come to visit. To surprise her, Ernest and Célestine want to reserve a table at a restaurant. Show more
Now that baby Elisabeth has joined the family, Huggleboo has become the big sister. Show more
Muireann Kelly a’ leughadh A' Phòg a Chaidh Ceàrr. Muireann Kelly reads A' Phòg a Chaidh Ceàrr, written and illustrated by David Melling. Show more
Lil Sue has started a delivery company, Deliver Sue, and in a quest to raise money for a new set of wheels, Dave lands himself with a job. Show more
Tha Coinneach Clogaid ris an aon dol-a-mach – ri mì-mhodh! Coinneach Clogaid is up to his usual tricks - behaving badly! Show more
Tha mòr-amharas ann nuair a tha an Rìgh a’ nochdadh gun a’ chrùn air aig ball-coise. There’s much suspicion when the King appears at football without his crown. Show more
Tha Stella maslaichte mas fhaic a caraidean i aig picnic teaghlaich sa phàirc. Stella is embarrassed in case friends see her at a family picnic in the park. Show more
Tha mòran bocadh a’ tachairt an-diugh! There’s a lot of bouncing happening today!
Rugadh Hend ann an Iemen ach tha i a-nis ann an Èirinn, ri linn a’ chogadh. Hend is from Yemen but because of the war now lives in Ireland. Show more
Thig còmhla ri Packie Bonner, an seann glèidheadair aig Celtic, air ais air Bus Ghlaschu. Follow ex-Celtic goalkeeper Packie Bonner as he relives his journeys on the Glasgow bus. Show more
The guest is Fanch Bihan-Gallic who hails from Brittany, and Calum Maclean gets his hands on the local currency in the Findhorn Community in Morayshire. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Eòrpa brings you in-depth reports on some of the most important issues from Scotland and across Europe. Show more
How ecological corridors have helped the desert lion prosper in the the Kunene Region of north western Namibia. Show more
‘Freedom Come A’ Ye’ agus òrain eile bhon taisbeanadh aig Kris Drever bho Na Trads, 2019. Kris Drever’s solo performance, including ‘Freedom Come A’ Ye’, from Na Trads in 2019. Show more
Tha Calum a’ siubhal air bòrd-seasaimh gu tràigh shònraichte far am faic e saoghal ùr. Calum paddleboards to a special beach where he takes photos that reveal a whole new world. Show more
Featuring sharp words between mother and daughter-in-law, a new guy at work discovers what makes the office tick, and it’s eyes down for a coveted prize at the bingo. Show more
At Blair Drummond Safari Park, Brian is working with two new tigers. At Highland Wildlife Park, Connor is busy with hoofstock out on the reserve. Show more
Ramsay is on his bike for an adventure taking in the sights and history of East Lothian. Ramsay air a bhaidhseagail a’siubhal tro sheallaidhean is eachdraidh Lodainn an Ear. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.