Mark and Andrew travel from fresh water to salt water on a coastal sea kayak expedition, navigating the great Loch Shiel before making their way down the river and onto Loch Moidart and the coast.
Bidh Calum a' siubhal tro dhiofar uaimhean air a' chost an ear a' lorg dealbh inntinneach. Calum’s on the east coast travelling through caves looking for a great photo. Show more
Tha Calum a’ snàmh gu làrach eachdraidheil airson dealbhan seann-nòsach a thogail. Calum takes a tricky swim to an historical location to take some retro-styled photos. Show more
Tha Calum a’ siubhal air bòrd-seasaimh gu tràigh shònraichte far am faic e saoghal ùr. Calum paddleboards to a special beach where he takes photos that reveal a whole new world. Show more
Tha Calum a’ feuchainn dòigh-obrach ùr le camara - ach an soirbhich leis? Calum tries out a new photography technique, but will it turn out to be a success for him? Show more
Tha Calum a’ dol air rothair airson feuchainn air dealbh bho fhada às de bheinn ainmeil. Calum takes a cycle ride to try and capture a distant telephoto shot of an iconic mountain. Show more
Aig deireadh turas rothair-beinne tha Calum a’ togail dheilbh air leth de charragh-chuimhne. At the end of a beautiful mountain bike ride, Calum takes an unusual photo of a monument. Show more
Tha Calum a’ siubhal suas Gleann Lìomhann air rothair airson dealbh a thogail. Calum takes a bike trip up Glen Lyon to track down an ancient subject for his photo. Show more