from page 61 of ' New Every Morning '
, at 10.30
by Olive Tomalin from the Royal Institution for the Blind, Edgbaston, Birmingham
with The Three Ginx
Talks by visitors from the dominions and colonies
Conductor, Ivan Huckerby from St. Stephen's Hall, Birmingham
The Pirani Trio:
Leila Pirani (violin)
Charles Hambourg (violoncello)
Max Pirani (pianoforte)
('The Blues')
(by permission of Lieut-Colonel The Lord Forester)
Conducted by Lieut. J. A. Thornburrow, Director of Music, Royal Horse Guards from the Grand Parade Bandstand,
From Sir Roger de Coverley to Boomps-a-Daisy
All about the party dance, told b) Philip J. S. Richardson and illustrate by records of well-known bands
A pianoforte recital by Gordon Bryan
Guelda Waller and Vera Maconochie
Assisted by Eric Gritton
including Weather Forecast and National Bulletin for Farmer-
Eric Parker
by Lucille Wallace
Les Folies franchises ou les Dominos
I La Virginite (Domino invisible). 2 La Pudeur (Domino rose). 3 L'Ardeur (Domino incamat). 4 L'Esperance (Domino vert). 5 La Fidélité (Domino bleu). 6 La Perseverance (Domino gris de lin). 7 La Langueur (Domino violet). 8 La Coqueterie (Diferens Domi nos). 9 Les Vieux Galans et les tresorieres suranees (Dominos pourpres et feuilles mortes). 10 Les Coucous benevoles (Dominos jaunes). 11 La Jalousie taciturne (Dominos gris de maure). 12 La Frenesie ou le Desespoir (Domino noir) hree Sonatas......Scarlatti
1 in D (L14). 2 in E (L257). 3 in G (L486)
Wilkie Bard the celebrated comedian
Vera Wootton
The favourite serio
Harry Champion fhe world's fastest comic singer
Alice Lloyd
Illustrious member of a famous family
Talbot O'Farrell
The popular singer of Irish songs
Ada Reeve
The inimitable character comedienne
The entertainment compered in song and story by Albert Whelan
The star of two hemispheres-and inventor of the ' Signature Tune'
The title of the show and artists appearing are by permission of George Black
The BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Charles Shadwell
Production by Ernest Longstaffe
This programme revives memories of the great days of the music-halls, when creative artists such as those that listeners will hear this evening were giving their acts night after night at the Oxford and Tivoli, driving from one to the other in broughams, and at kindred music-halls in London and its suburbs, and throughout the country. Great days: Wilkie Bard bringing down the house with ' I want to sing in opera ', Harry Champion with ' Boiled Beef and Carrots',
Ada Reeve with ' Not the proper way to treat a lady They are here this evening, with Vera Wootton , Alice Lloyd , Talbot O'Farrell , and Albert Whelan-all great names ; and will sing some of the songs that made them-and Variety too.
from the Promenade Concert at Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Ltd.)
Albert Sammons (violin)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(ninety players)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by SIR HENRY J. WOOD
Overture, King Srenhen
8.11 Violin Concerto in D
1 Allegro ma non troppo. 2 Larghetto-3 Rondo: Allegro
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
A short story written for broadcasting by L. A. G. Strong, and read by the author.
at the Promenade Concert
Part 2
Adagio (Prometheus Ballet Music)
Solo violoncello, AMBROSE GAUNTLETT
9.58 Symphony No. 2, in D
1 Adagio molto-Allegro con brio. 2 Larghetto. 3 Scherzo and Trio: Allegro. 4 Allegro motto
Tickets can be obtained from Broadcasting House, W.1, Queen's Hall, and the usual agents
with Tony Lombardo
Ken Beaumont
Mary Lee
The Four Swingsters
on gramophone records played by Samuel Dushkin (violin) and the Composer